Who was Leonora Knatchbull? The Crown Season 5 tells a tragic true story

Who was Leonora Knatchbull The Crown Season 5 tells a

Season 5 of the lavish series The Crown has been available on Netflix since yesterday. Episode 2 The System approaches a controversial rumor about the royal family – and a bereavement serves as a narrative introduction: the Death of Leonora Knatchbull. We briefly explain the tragic story of the girl.

Who was Leonora Knatchbull and how was she connected to royalty?

The Crown – S05 Trailer (German) HD

Leonora Knatchbull (Clara Graham) belonged to the extended circle of the royal family. Her father, Norton Knatchbull, is a cousin of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, father of Prince Charles. Leonora Knatchbull was the third and youngest child of Norton and Penelope, called Penny. Leonora was born on June 25, 1986 and already died
October 22, 1991.

A year earlier was with the girl kidney cancer been found. However, lengthy treatments did not lead to a cure. This is how the funeral came about – and The Crown uses this family mourning event.

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Leonora’s mother, Penelope “Penny” Knatchbull, or Lady Romsey, is played by Natascha McElhone, one of Season 5’s most important new characters. Lady Romsey befriends Prince Philip (Jonathan Pryce), who stands by her in her grief for Leonora. This friendship fueled persistent rumors of an affair between Lady Romsey and Prince Philip in the 1990s, which have never been fully clarified.

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