who supports which candidate? The signature list

who supports which candidate The signature list

SPONSORSHIPS. The collection of sponsorships for the 2022 presidential election has begun. 42,000 elected officials are authorized to support a candidate. Deputy, senator, mayor… To whom did your elected representative give his signature?

[Mis à jour le 3 février 2022 à 18h04] The most crucial step before the final sprint of the presidential election has begun. If around forty presidential projects are carried out everywhere in France, not all of them will be able to be submitted to the vote of the French during the first round of the ballot, Sunday April 10, 2022. has a prerequisite to fulfill, and not the least: to collect the sponsorships of at least 500 elected officials. A real challenge for some, a formality for others. The subject is also electric since the sponsorships were made public under the presidency of François Hollande, candidates like Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Marine Le Pen or Eric Zemmour denouncing this transparency, source of various political pressures according to their statements and which prevent them from completing their application.

Every Tuesday and every Thursday, the Constitutional Council, the body responsible for monitoring and approving these sponsorships, broadcasts the names of the elected officials who have sponsored the candidates. So, who supports your mayor, deputy or senator?

Since Thursday, January 27, 2022, candidates can officially collect these signatures, necessary for the approval of their candidacy for the national ballot. All contenders for the Elysée have until Friday March 4 to collect the minimum requested. For this, they can canvass a large number of elected officials able to offer them their signature. Indeed, in France, 42,000 people are authorized to sponsor a candidate. To do this, you must perform one of these functions:

  • deputy, senator, French representative in the European Parliament
  • mayor (including the delegate mayors of the delegated municipalities and associated municipalities, mayors of the arrondissements of Paris, Lyon and Marseille);
  • president of metropolis, urban community, agglomeration or community of municipalities
  • councilor of Paris or the metropolis of Lyon, departmental councilor, regional councilor
  • territorial councilor of Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Martin or Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon
  • member of the assemblies of Corsica, Guyana, Martinique, French Polynesia, New Caledonia or Wallis-et-Futuna
  • president of the executive council of Corsica, Martinique, French Polynesia or the government of New Caledonia;
  • adviser to the Assembly of French nationals living abroad or president of a consular council.

However, an elected official can only give a single sponsorship to a single candidate, even if he exercises several functions. Moreover, his signature is final: even if the candidate withdraws, he cannot change his choice.

It should also be noted that a candidate must present a territorial plurality in his signatures. Sponsorships must indeed come from at least 30 different overseas departments or communities, without this exceeding one tenth of the total.

Who sponsors Eric Zemmour?

Novice in politics, candidate for the presidential election outside of any historical and traditional political party, Eric Zemmour has been repeating over and over for several weeks that he has encountered difficulties in collecting sponsorship from elected officials. However, several scenes on social networks show that the founder of Reconquest already has some promises of signatures. Will he be able to reach the minimum required? Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 58

Who sponsors Marine Le Pen?

Like Eric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen is very critical of the rules in force concerning the transparency of sponsorships. The National Rally candidate had however collected 627 signatures from elected officials in 2017, before entering the second round. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 35

Who is sponsoring Valérie Pécresse?

Candidate for the first time in the presidential election, Valérie Pécresse should have no difficulty in collecting the minimum number of sponsorships. His will have been due to his quality as a former minister but also as president of the Île-de-France region, attached to a historic political formation (Les Républicains) which has thousands of elected officials throughout the country, should enable him to cross this step smoothly. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 324

Who sponsors Emmanuel Macron?

He is not yet officially a presidential candidate. However, Emmanuel Macron should also collect the 500 signatures of elected officials without worrying too much. If the local establishment of La République en Marche did not work during its five-year term, the Head of State can rely on part of Parliament but also various advisers in the communities. Even if he is not a candidate, the Head of State can, like everyone else, receive sponsorships. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 529

Who sponsors Yannick Jadot?

The objective would have already been achieved according to entourage. At the beginning of January, relatives of Yannick Jadot announced that the EELV candidate had already collected 500 promises of signatures. They should be transformed into official support in view of the number of elected officials that the party now has, following, among other things, its victories in the Municipal elections. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 80

Who sponsors Anne Hidalgo?

Despite very low voting intentions, the task should not be very complicated for Anne Hidalgo. Invested by a party which still has a good number of elected officials in the various institutions of the Republic, the mayor of Paris has already obtained the number of signatures necessary. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 266

Who sponsors Christiane Taubira?

Additional candidate in a fragmented left, Christiane Taubira also goes in search of her sponsorships, driven by her victory in the popular Primary. Elected officials have already announced their support for the winner of this process, including the mayor of Marseille, Benoît Payan. The Radical Left Party, historical formation of the former Minister of Justice, should also be a strong support. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 8

Who sponsors Jean-Luc Mélenchon?

Like Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also criticizes the transparency of sponsorships and has repeatedly mentioned his difficulties in collecting them. Even if he does not count on the Communist Party in 2022, the Insoumis has advanced the figure of 400 promises of signatures already recorded in January. Number of sponsorships received as of February 1, 2022: 100
