We had nothing in particular against Philippe Boxho, the famous Belgian forensic doctor who has monopolized the first places in our test list for weeks with two (then three) of his titles, Death in the face, The dead speak And Interview with a corpseall published by Keynes, but we are still not unhappy to see other authors infiltrating the podium of the Top 20. So it is with Victor Castanet who takes the first step with his new punchy work, The Ogres (Flammarion). Another long-term investigation by the journalist which in 2022 shook up the editorial landscape and especially that of nursing homes with The Gravediggers (Fayard, I read). This time, the winner of the Albert Londres Prize 2022 deals with the world of early childhood and the dysfunctions of certain crèches, notably those of People & Baby. Printed in 42,000 copies and published on September 18, The Ogres sold some 10,000 copies in four days according to Edistat.
Other authors appear in the rankings of the week (from September 16 to 22): Mona Chollet, the Franco-Swiss journalist and essayist who has been accumulating successes since Witches: The Unconquered Power of Women in 2018, directly takes 2nd place with his new workResist guilt. On some obstacles to exist, still at Zones. A book that aims to shine the spotlight on the enemy within. And who studies these attitudes (disqualification, blaming mothers, cult of work, etc.) which insinuate themselves into the privacy of our consciences.
Another “powerful woman”, Caroline Fourest takes 4th place with her Vertigo MeToo (Grasset), who intends, after the dizziness, to find a feminist and fair balance between the accusation and the presumption of innocence. A little history? With We needed myths! The Revolution and its imaginaries. From 1789 to the present (Tallandier), the historian Emmanuel de Waresquiel looks at the memories and legacies of the French Revolution and infiltrates the 12th place, while three other Tallandier authors, Johann Chapoutot, Christian Ingrao and Nicolas Patin, offer themselves the 13th place with The Nazi World. 1919-1945, or “a total history of National Socialism, from its birth in 1919 to its collapse in 1945”.
A quick glance at fiction? Gaël Faye, who has just been selected for the Académie française novel prize, thus bringing to four the number of his selections for the autumn grand prizes (aith THE Goncourt, Renaudot and Femina), continues its triumphant march with 2nd place on the podium for Jacaranda (Grasset); similarly, Kamel Daoud, also on the first list of the French Academy, holds firm his 5th place with Houris (Gallimard), while Olivier Norek, selected, remember, by the Goncourt, Renaudot, and Interallié juries, drops to 4th place (Lhe Winter WarriorsMichel Lafon).
The ranking of best-selling books.
© / The Express
Among the newcomers of the week, we will obviously highlight Valérie Perrin, who once again takes the first step of the podium. Tata (Albin Michel) sold 25,000 copies in four days! In the same vein, Mélissa Da Costa, another Albin Michel author, can boast sales of more than 95,000 copies for her Stand up published August 14. Other arrivals Nicolas Beuglet, including the latest thriller The Final Warning (XO) is off to a very good start, the priceless American James Ellroy and his Enchanters (Rivages) and, closing the ban, Ali Hazelwood and her “new ultra-romantic bit-lit”, Flange (Milady).