WHO Puts pressure on China – as the corona cases continue to rise

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging China to share real-time data on Covid-19 cases and is offering expert help to tackle the latest outbreak in the country.

“WHO emphasized the importance of monitoring and timely publication of data to help China and the global community formulate accurate risk assessments and to inform effective responses,” WHO writes in a press release.

The outbreak in China has caused concern around the world and the country’s official data has been questioned because the infection numbers and above all the death rates are so low, despite reports that hospitals in the country are overcrowded.

China strikes back

Concerns about more dangerous variants of covid-19 have caused several countries to introduce rules for travelers from China, most recently France and Great Britain.

China is pushing back against suggestions that it has lapses in releasing information, despite announcing last week that it will stop keeping daily numbers of Covid-related deaths.

“Hurry hurry! – see pictures from a children’s hospital in Beijing in the player above.
