Who loves your heart stay away from white chocolate

Who loves your heart stay away from white chocolate

Heart attacks are usually caused by coronary heart disease. The substance that clogs the coronary arteries is cholesterol deposits. Cholesterol is vital for normal bodily function, but too much is also harmful. An unhealthy meal can lead to high cholesterol, which is made and broken down in the liver. “Eating foods with a lot of saturated fat changes the way the liver uses cholesterol. You should try to reduce them in your diet,” said Cardiovascular Surgeon Prof. Dr. Barış Çaynak listed the foods that should be avoided to reduce the risk of heart attack as follows:

  • White chocolate, fudge, cake, pudding and biscuits
  • Pastries, pies, pastries
  • Fatty meats such as sausages, hamburgers, pastrami and kebabs
  • Margarine, palm oil
  • Coconut, Coconut Cream, Palm Oil
  • Full-fat dairy products such as cream, milk, yogurt, cream cheese


“Many foods have a list of saturated and unsaturated fats on them. Try to cut out foods high in saturated fat and replace them with foods containing more unsaturated fat,” said Cardiovascular Surgeon Prof. Dr. Barış Çaynak said, “One third of our energy is about 70 g per day for a woman. and 90 g per day for a man. It should come from oil. However, it is recommended that saturated fats contain no more than one-third of that (20g for women and 30g for men).

