who is the wife of Lula, the president of Brazil?

who is the wife of Lula the president of Brazil

JANJA SILVA. While Lula won the Brazilian presidential election on Sunday October 30, his wife Rosangela, known as “Janja” Silva, accompanied him throughout his campaign.

[Mis à jour le 31 octobre 2022 à 6h30] Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the Brazilian presidential election on Sunday October 30, 2022 against Jair Bolsonaro, outgoing president. This victory is perhaps linked to the presence of Rosâgela “Janja” da Silva, the third wife of the politician. Sociologist Janja Silva was omnipresent during Lula’s campaign. She participated in meetings of the candidate of the Workers’ Party and launched several calls on social networks to promote her victory. Over the months, the First Lady has not hesitated to express herself on political subjects and has taken a position on feminism. “Women will decide this election. Women who will help rebuild our country, the Brazil of hope,” she wrote on Instagram. Madame Figaro. A sociology graduate with an MBA in social management and sustainability, Janja is a lifelong activist, a member of the PT since she was 17. It was there that she met Lula.

Who is Ronsagela “Janja” Silva, Lula’s wife?

Rosângela “Janja” Silva is therefore Lula’s wife. Aged 56, she is a sociologist, also a graduate in history, involved since she was 17 in the Workers’ Party (left), which her husband represents. The Brazilian First Lady mainly worked at the Itaipu Dam, at Iguaçu Falls, where she was in charge of programs related to sustainable development (2003-2012 then 2017-2020). She was also a communication and institutional relations advisor for Eletrobras, producer and supplier of electricity (2012-2017). She is now retired.

The couple of Rosâgela and President Lula

The story between Ronsâgela “Janja” Silva and Lula is relatively recent. It was in December 2017 that the two would have met, during a charity football match in Brazil. The sequel is quite vague, but the two create close ties when the former President… is in prison. Letters and visits multiply for more than a year and a half, throughout the detention of the politician. Upon his release from prison on November 8, 2019, Lula directly formalized his relationship and announced his engagement. The couple finally married in May 2022 and now live in Sao Paulo.

Ronsagela “Janja” Silva, a key role in Lula’s presidential campaign

In Brazil, everyone agrees that Ronsângela “Janja” Silva is a cornerstone of Lula’s presidential project. Twenty years her junior, the fifties is omnipresent. She is the one who manages her husband’s agenda, those who accompany him and even initiates certain actions, even cutting through every detail of daily life, reports Folha. Rising to the podium when Lula declared his candidacy to speak, “Janja” is however criticized internally for her role. In public, she is publicly committed to the defense of women, denouncing feminicides and violence against women.
