Who is the new Doctor Who?

Who is the new Doctor Who

Hugh Grant put an end to the “new Doctor Who” rumors about him by saying “I am not against it”.

BBC’s hit series, new Doctor Who Rumors and theories come one after another about who he will be. Jodie Whittaker, the last of the doctors who change every three seasons in general, is preparing to say goodbye to the series in the fall of this year.

Who will be the new Doctor Who?

A big task is placed on the new future Doctor. He will also portray the 60th anniversary special episode of the series. Following Whittaker’s departure from the series, it has been confirmed that former showrunner Russell T. Davies will return to spearhead the next 60th anniversary season. This has also led to speculation about who will play the lead, with some wondering if David Tennant, who previously played the Doctor in Davies’ episodes, will return once again.

However, fans want and hope Hugh Grant joins the role. There were many rumors about this. Hugh Grant announced on Twitter yesterday that he is not against it, but that there is no reality in this matter.

We don’t yet know who we’ll see in this role after Jodie Whittaker. We will finally see him as the Doctor in a special that will air this fall, and we will answer the question of who will be the next Doctor Who.

In our birth of all doctors content, you can witness the birth of previous doctors.

If you have any ideas about who the new doctor will be, you can share them with us in the comments.
