Phones are one of the most used technological devices today. Especially with the introduction of phones into our lives, a new era has begun. The phones, which have undergone a big change since the first day they were released, look quite different from their first appearance. In today’s article, we will give you information about who invented the telephone and when it was invented.
Since the existence of human beings, communication has always been in life. Communication, which continues today, from the first ages to the present day, has enabled human beings to develop and skip a new age. Especially in situations such as war situations, communication is the eyes and ears of the society.
Communication was rather primitive, first with messengers, then with pigeons, and then with letters. He was in a rather slow state, especially with regard to time. Later, with the invention of the telegraph, the communication network accelerated and began to appeal to larger masses with the radio. For the first time, the communication system using electricity was realized with the telegraph. The telegraph, which entered our lives in the early 1800s, laid the foundations of today’s telephone.
With the invention of the telegraph, many scientists thought of developing the telegraph. one of them Alexander Graham BellTogether with his assistant Thomas Watson, he was experimenting with developing a mechanism that would send the sound to the other side over conductive wires and enable speech. Bell, who applied for a patent on February 14, 1876, succeeded in making a working telephone shortly after obtaining the right to manufacture and sell telephones. Bell made the first phone call to his assistant in the adjoining room, “Mr Watson, come over here. I want to meet you. ” he did.

When we look at our recent history, we see that Graham Bell was not the first to work on the phone. About 5 years before Graham Bell, another invention very similar to the telephone was made. However Antonio Meucci He lost his patent right when he could not afford the fee to be paid for the renewal of his patent rights. On the other hand Elisha Gray had developed a similar mechanism and filed a patent application on the same date as Bell. However, Elisha Gray was unable to obtain the patent, as Bell’s assistant Watson arrived at the patent office two hours earlier. After the invention of the telephone, many entrepreneurs such as Meucci and Gray filed lawsuits claiming that he invented the telephone first, but Bell won all of the lawsuits.
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