Who does the most in the workplace?

Who does the most in the workplace

Every day, a large part of the population goes to work. In the workplace, it is also desirable, if not essential, for many to have a good working environment without having to pick up and clean up after each other.

Despite that, it is not entirely unusual for employees to step in and empty the dishwasher, wipe the sink or wash the coffee cups.

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It is “invisible work” at work

What can be called “invisible work” refers to everything from taking dishes out of the dishwasher, cleaning the coffee machine or tidying up at the lunch table. It can also be about being responsible for collecting money for colleagues who are celebrating birthdays or being thanked, cleaning toilets or fixing up the meeting room.

But who actually does the most at work, in terms of cleaning and keeping it clean and tidy?

In a new survey conducted by Novus together with the equality company Make Equal, it appears that the perception of who does the most differs significantly between the sexes.

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In a survey by Novus, it appears that the perception of who does the most “invisible work” at work differs between men and women. Photo: Christine Olsson/TT”It’s not strange”

The results show that women and men perceive the distribution of responsibility and performance differently. However, there is a consensus on one area.

  • Around five times more women than men feel that it is to a greater extent the women who make arrangements in meeting rooms before and after a meeting. 32 percent of the women surveyed have this opinion compared to seven percent of the men.
  • 30 percent of the women surveyed feel that they clean toilets to a greater extent after other colleagues. 15 percent of the men surveyed feel that they do.
  • But when it comes to discussing the division of labor over what lies beyond the usual tasks, the opinion that “invisible work” is not discussed in the workplace is unanimous. Seven out of ten men and women perceive that they do not talk about the division of labor and performance at work.

    – It’s no wonder that women and men have different views of who does the invisible work at work – when it’s not even talked about in seven out of ten workplaces, says Aygül KabacaCEO of Make Equal in one press release.

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    Photo: Lars Pehrson/SvD/TT

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