White worms: how to fight them?

White worms how to fight them

The presence of white grubs in your garden can quickly become a scourge for your crops. Find out how to get rid of it naturally.

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Some larvae ofinsects parasites live in the ground and, as a result, they are rarely noticed! Their presence is formidable, as is the case, for example, of the white grub, the cockchafer larva. Their great fault is to nibble the roots of most vegetables. This pesky white worm measures up to four centimeters long and is very voracious. He particularly likes plants with tubers or roots (potato, carrotbeet, turnip), but also feed on the roots of other plants (shrubs, perennials, etc.).

Grubs: overcoming them

To get rid of them, roughly chop cabbage and turnip greens and stir them lightly into the soil, just when you sowing, which will ward off these unwanted larvae. Another possibility is to bury potatoes four or five centimeters deep, after having cut them in half and hollowed them out slightly. Place them cut side down, mark the places and visit them regularly. Pick up and then destroy the larvae.

Also be aware that repeated hoeing greatly reduces the number of white worms. The end of the ends will be to fight these larvae with the help of “good guys” nematodes which will parasitize them. Rest assured: these nematodes, microscopic little worms, are extremely selective and will not attack your cultures ! You can find it at a garden center. Presented in sachets, it will suffice to dilute the contents in water and to water the contaminated soil.

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