White spots on the nails: the sign of what?

White spots on the nails the sign of what

White spots may appear on the nails: this is leukonychia. These spots are most often benign but it is necessary to consult if they extend too much.

Leukonychia is the term for the white spots that sometimes appear on the nails. Among the causes are the mycosis or eczema. Is it related to a deficiency in calcium? What treatments to cure her? We take stock.

Definition: what is leukonychia?

The visible part of the nail has a whitish area, the lunula, of very small size and a much larger more pinkish part which occupies approximately 90% of the nail. Under this part, in the deep skin, is the matrix that surrounds the base of the nail. This constantly synthesizes keratin which is superimposed on several layers and allows the nail to grow gradually. “When there is a micro-trauma of the nail matrixthis creates an anomaly in the production of whitening keratinocytes explains Dr. Olivier Cogrel, dermatologist. These white spots constitute a punctate leukonychia.

What is the cause of white spots on the nails?

No, a lack of calcium is in no way the cause white spots on the nails. This received idea thus unnecessarily pushes certain people who have white spots to consume more dairy products and products containing calcium. “The white spots on the nails are due to microtraumas on the nail matrix. These are caused by a excessive manicure, in particular repeated movements to push back the cuticles or small skins, or by biting the skin next to the nail matrix” inform the dermatologist.

What are the symptoms of leukonychia?

Leukonychia are mainly represented by the punctate leukonychiawhich appear as white spots 1 to 3mm in diameter. These white spots generally represent a small purely aesthetic anomaly without any seriousness. “More exceptionally, these white spots signal other alterations of the nail, specific to inflammatory diseases” says Dr. Olivier Cogrel. It is necessary that seek medical advice when the white spot(s) cover more than half of the nail or when they expand. “So it could be a mycosisespecially at the level of the nails of the big toes of the foot. It can also be an allergy to varnish or nail polish remover, a eczema or psoriasis.

It is generally sufficient to cut the part of the nail when it has grown enough to make this white spot disappear. The regrowth of a fingernail takes place over a long period of several months. It is essential to treat the medical cause (mycosis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.) when it is found. On the other hand, it is important to keep your hands and nails hydrated after washing your hands, cut nails short and wear gloves when doing housework.

Thanks to Dr Olivier Cogrel, dermatologist at the Bordeaux University Hospital, President of the surgical group of the French Society of Dermatology.
