White snus is exploding in the United States

White snus is exploding in the United States

The white snus has made its way to the United States and into politics. Democrats and Republicans have widely differing views on the product, as per SVT News has become something of a trend in the US.

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285 million doses to the USA

The popularity of white snus in the country seems to have its origin in Tiktok videos where the tobacco-free snus was used healthy and also marketed. During the year 2023, a Swedish company shipped approximately 285 million cans of white snus across the Atlantic – which is an increase of 62 percent from the year before.

The politicians, on the other hand, use snus as a symbolic issue – especially the Republicans want to “point out the Democrats as a party that doesn’t treat people like adults” according to the US connoisseur Andreas Utterström which SVT spoke to.

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The white snus has become a symbolic issue

A call from the US Senator Chuck Schumer has been that American authorities should investigate how the white snus is marketed to young people.

US connoisseur Utterström believes that snus is really a small issue, but has all the more significance for how the different political sides want to be represented.

– On the whole, this is a trivial matter. But it is very good for a political party to find a symbolic issue, he tells SVT.

Read more news about snus from Nyheter24 here:

Miss Snusk reported – marketing snus to children

This is how the “plupp strength” tricks you when you buy white snus

The white snus creates debate in the United States. Photo: Paul Wennerholm/TT.
