White or clear stools: is it serious?

White or clear stools is it serious

Sometimes the stools are lighter than usual, like discolored, this is called white stools. They can be watery, foamy and have other symptoms. What is it hiding?

Generally, bilirubin, a degradation product, is eliminated both in the urine, in the form of urobilin, but also in the stools in the form of stercobilin. It is this brown colored pigment that gives the color to the stool. In the absence of bilirubin degradation, the stools are poor in stercobilin and change color. “Of the discolored stools may be whitish, grayish or pale brown”, explains Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris. Why do we sometimes have clear or discolored stools? Is that bad ? How to treat?

Is it serious to have white stools?

If colored stools are not necessarily linked to a serious pathology, it is nevertheless sometimes the case. It is therefore essential to find the cause quickly in order to be able to act quickly if necessary.

What causes white stools?

The causes can be varied:

Causes food (food imbalance)

→ Drug causes (related to taking medication)

→ Related to a disease: all diseases causing obstruction of the bile ducts and preventing the secretion of stercobilin can be responsible for this symptom such as:

  • Stones forming in the bile ducts
  • An inflammatory disease (sclerosing cholangitis)
  • Certain cancers (cancer of the head pancreas, cancer of the hilum of the liver, cancer of the bile ducts, etc.)
  • Hepatitis (A, B, C or alcoholic)
  • Certain parasitoses (ascaris, hydatid cyst of the liver, etc.).

The stools may also be slightly discolored if episode of diarrhea. As Dr. Labbe explains “The stools are loaded with pigments throughout their journey through the intestines and the colon. The faster they move, the less time they have to take on pigments. In case of diarrhoea, the stools are therefore frequently lighter than usual

What are the associated symptoms?

Symptoms that accompany the discoloration of discolored stools vary depending on the cause.

  • In case of calculations, they will be accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, jaundice and dark urine.
  • In the event of pancreatic head cancer, they will be accompanied loss of appetite, weight loss and pruritus.
  • In case of pancreatic insufficiency, the stools are greasy in addition to being clearand may be accompanied by severe pain, nausea, vomiting and weight loss.
  • In the case of “Gibert’s disease, which leads to an increase in bilirubin in the blood, the stools may be light brown or pale yellow. Gibert’s disease also causes yellowing of the whites of the eyes. This disease is hereditary and not serious “explains Dr. Labbe.

What does white stool mean in children?

White stools in children can be linked to their diet (quantities, proportions, etc.), a lack of absorption linked to a parasite, or even a malfunction of the liver (hepatitis). To determine the cause, it is imperative to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examinations.

What do white dellae mean in babies?

In infants, discolored stools may be a symptom of a rare liver disease called neonatal cholestasis. This disease is usually due to an obstruction of the bile ducts. This disease, if not treated very quickly, can lead to cirrhosis of the liver requiring liver transplantation. Neonatal cholestasis is the cause of 80% of liver transplants in children.

When to consult?

Abnormal stools that persist for a few days are always a reason for consultation. The doctor will systematically prescribe a blood test linked to liver diseases (bilirubin, gamma GT, haptoglobin, etc.) then an ultrasound of the liver to identify or eliminate biliary obstructions, tumors or cirrhosis…“ notes the general practitioner.

At the house of the newborn, the presence of clear stools should lead to consultation as soon as possibleneonatal cholestasis can have serious consequences if it is not taken care of very quickly.

Thanks to Dr Véronique Labbe, general practitioner in Paris.
