White moose appeared in the middle of the road

It was last Tuesday evening that the family was in the car on the way to the summer cottage in Värmland. The children sat with their screens in the back seat and Marie herself was also busy looking down at her phone. Suddenly the moose appears on the side of the road.

– Now there’s a moose there, Marie shouted to the children.

They dropped their screens and looked up to see the moose. Then they determined that it was no ordinary moose but a white moose.

– Then it was a white moose that stepped out and we weren’t really prepared for that, says Marie.

– My youngest son thought it looked like a horse, she continues.

Going to buy a lottery ticket

After the experience, Marie has received loads of messages and reactions and she has understood that perhaps seeing a white moose is more special than they thought.

– Many have wished to see a white moose their whole lives, but never got to see one, says Marie Kollberg.

She has also been told that the white moose is a symbol of going one’s own way. It should also mean luck to see a white moose and Marie has been advised to buy a lottery ticket. She hasn’t done that yet, but she has had another wish fulfilled.

– I have had my wish fulfilled to go to a flea market.
