While Zelensky’s ‘terror attack’ claim created the agenda, Putin blamed the West: They decided to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian

While Zelenskys terror attack claim created the agenda Putin blamed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski claimed that Russia is considering carrying out a “terrorist attack” on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, which it controls. Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitri Peskov denied Zelenski’s allegation. On the other hand, Russian President Vladimir Putin evaluated that Ukraine’s Western allies have decided to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said in a statement, “We are forming a reserve army. Everything is going according to plan. We will complete the formation of the reserve army by the end of June and the corps in the near future.” used the phrases. Here are the last details in the hot zone…

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski said in a statement on his social media account that he received a report from the country’s intelligence service that Russia is considering a “terrorist attack” scenario against the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. “Unfortunately, I had to remind repeatedly that radiation has no state borders and who it hits is determined only by the direction of the wind,” said Zelenski, suggesting that Russia had prepared everything for a terrorist attack with radiation leaks.

Stating that they share the available information and evidence with all partners, Zelenski said, “There should be no terrorist attacks on nuclear power plants anywhere. This time it should not be like in Kakhovka, the world has been warned, so the world can and must act.”


On the other hand, according to the news in the Russian media, Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitri Peskov denied Zelenski’s claim. In his statement to the press, Peskov drew attention to the visit of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director Rafael Grossi, “This is another lie. You know, there was a contact with the IAEA in the field. It has been highly rated by the IAEA. They saw everything, everything they wanted to see. Our dialogue and cooperation with the IAEA continues. We are interested in continuing this communication. The IAEA is also interested. Everything else is a lie,” he said.


On the other hand, Russian President Putin spoke about Ukraine’s loss of troops and equipment at the Security Council meeting held via video conference.

Stating that countries can provide equipment to Ukraine, but the troop strength is limited, Putin said, “It seems that Ukraine’s Western allies have decided to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian.” used the phrase.



Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu, on the other hand, asserted that the Ukrainian army has suffered significant losses after the active fighting in the last 16 days, saying, “The enemy has reduced its activity. Currently, he is interested in regrouping his troops.” said.

Stating that the Ukrainian army has the power to continue the counter-attack despite the significant losses in some directions, Shoigu said that they are continuing their preparations against Ukraine’s new offensive.


Shoigu said, “We are forming a reserve army. Everything is going according to plan. We will complete the formation of the reserve army by the end of June and the corps in the near future.” said.

Stating that 114 thousand people were recruited to the Russian Armed Forces under direct contract, Shoigu said that there were more than 50 thousand volunteers.

Minister Shoigu noted that an average of 1336 people a day apply for contracted military service.

