While you want to cool down, you can be healthy! Warning from the expert to those who will go swimming

While you want to cool down you can be healthy

There are a total of 37 swimming areas in Trabzon, 32 of which are active and 5 of which are swimming areas. It was stated that 106 bathing water analyzes were taken this year by the Provincial Bathing Water Commission from areas with swimming areas, and that samples were taken and analyzed every 15 days.

Making evaluations on the subject, Trabzon Provincial Health Director Hakan Usta pointed out that diarrhea may occur in those who swim in dirty places and said, “We received more than 300 tests between June 15 and September 15. We have a total of 37 swimming areas in our city, 32 of which are active and 5 of which are candidate swimming areas, determined by the Provincial Bathing Water Commission. During the swimming season, samples are taken from our relevant monitoring points every 15 days and analyzed. The analysis results are published on the website of our Ministry and directorate, which is accessible to the public. “312 sea water samples were analyzed in the 2023 swimming season, and 106 swimming water samples have been taken so far in 2024,” he said.


Noting that the measurements have been made since June 15, Usta said, “We have made 106 measurements since June 15 this year. We will continue our measurements in 15-day periods in other months. Especially in places that are not suitable for swimming, despite the warnings issued by the municipalities not to swim, sometimes unwanted cases of diarrhea may occur in places where swimming is prohibited. If these numbers increase or exceed a certain number, we immediately become vigilant and try to take extra precautions wherever people swim in the sea or pool in that region. Sometimes warnings are not heeded. Sometimes, our citizens may swim in places where it is not deemed appropriate to swim at all and where municipalities do not put signs. Then we may encounter problems. “We can also encounter streams,” he said. (IHA)

