While Azeroth is on the verge of destruction, WoW fans flock into the taverns

Amazingly many players of World of Warcraft spend part of their free time in the Tavern Azeroths to indulge in the role -playing game, enjoy social interaction and recharge their battery.

In the past 20 years, the World of Warcraft has been on the edge of its destruction. And even if no huge sword wants to ram into the planet, a war or conflict rages somewhere that costs countless victims.

As a world rescuer from the service, it can be quite grueling to constantly put yourself in the service of a greater cause. It is therefore not surprising that many players in WoW are looking for more everyday activities to switch off and charge their own battery.

A new article on Polygon.com reports that we would like to recommend to you at this point. There, several players from the role-playing community have their say, who create special social moments with their communities.

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The world burns? First a beer!

Braumas, the head of the Hippogryphen, explains that the tavern in Theramore was chosen to meet regularly and organize RP events-even if the big capitals naturally represent a lot better meeting points for social interactions.

In the local Azeroths you can then meet a player character who painfully complains about an insurance auditor (also played by a WoW hero) that her bakery has been destroyed and that she now has to justify her claim to a payment.

Or you can hear a veteran of the third war toast with his comrades, while he thinks loudly about how the scars of the countless wars burned into his soul. It is absolutely intended that the mulgore firing water in chat will have its effect at some point.

Different taverns also seem to attract different types of players. A role-playing fan explains, for example: “What I do in role-playing meetings, especially at taverns, love, is that you can meet all possible different characters there. Taverns are so different depending on the city that you always meet different people.”

Great side effect: If a city is not only populated by NPCs, but also from player characters who simply pursue banal activities or conversations, then they exude a lot more life and credibility.

Role play in the War Within

When designing the new regions of the current expansion The War Within, the Blizzard developers made sure to provide the role-playing fans precisely such retreats. But also context with the new people of the earthen people who do without food intake, but have other wishes.

Irdene, for example, love a visit to the hot water baths. Various earthen players have included this in their RPG experience. In the newly released zone of Undermine, goblin players flock to the Incontinental Hotel to indulge in the chaotic atmosphere of the green pointed ears and celebrate with their peers.

What does it look like: Do you slip into a role in WoW every now and then? If so: what was your so far cool RP experience in the World of Warcraft? Treat it in the comments!

In general, The War Within brought some important and correct RPG elements back to the MMORPG. At the launch of the expansion, Meinmmo-Demon Cortyn celebrated this and brought many successful examples: Wow is suddenly a real role-playing game-and I love it
