which stars unveiled tonight? Clues and theories

which stars unveiled tonight Clues and theories

MASK SINGER 2022. The Mask Singer survey continues this Friday April 15, 2022 on TF1. Two new stars will be unmasked tonight. In the meantime, the investigation continues on social networks with new clues and theories on the identity of the personalities of season 3.

The essential

  • The investigation resumes Friday, April 15, 2022! Mask Singer is back tonight for episode 3. You will have to go to TF1 from 9:10 p.m. to follow the show live.
  • The Chameleon, the Tree, the Butterfly, the Cosmonaut, the Crocodile, the Banana, the Deer or even the Pig, two new personalities will unmask themselves tonight and reveal their identities. Will the theories of jurors and viewers be confirmed?
  • Who are the stars of Mask Singer season 3? The episode broadcast the previous week helped to flesh out some theories. Some are convinced of it, Gilbert Montagné hides under the costume of the Tree. As for the Deer, many Internet users think of Laurent Ournac, while the Chameleon could be a former Miss France according to Internet users, and the name of Sylvie Tellier comes up several times. They are also convinced that Denitsa Ikonomova is hiding under the Butterfly costume, Mika would be the Crocodile and Pierre Palmade the Cosmonaut. It is also possible that Véronique DiCaire is the Banana, and that the Pig hides Yves Camdeborde. Find all the clues and theories of Mask Singer season 3 below.


17:10 – Marc-Antoine Le Bret under The Tigress, explanation of the clues

By imitating the voices of well-known personalities like Fanny Ardant and Chantal Ladesou, Marc-Antoine Le Bret completely lost the investigators. But it is indeed the imitator who was hiding under the costume of La Tigresse and who was eliminated last week. The index on his voice indeed referred to his talents as imitators, such as “mythical characters” (he imitated François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, Vincent Cassel, Nikos Aliagas…). The César was also a reference to several chronicles and sketches he was able to produce on this theme.

16:45 – Teri Hatcher was the Ladybug, clues explained

The Ladybug was unmasked just after its passage in episode 2 of Mask Singer. It was actress Teri Hatcher under the mask. The latest clues were really on the trail with two statements from the star: “I have a lot of fans in France, you have a very special place in my heart and you have followed my life and that of my neighbors in our quiet little town. “. Moreover, the 8 in lipstick symbolized the 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives, just like the mention of its neighbors. She also has a Golden Globes received in 2005 for her performance as Susan Mayer.

16:24 – The Raven returns tonight

The Raven is back in Mask Singer this Friday night. And who says Raven, says new burst of clues! As a reminder, this character, who is not unmasked during the season, intervenes randomly in the episodes in order to reveal new clues about the personalities in competition in order to help the jury and viewers unmask them.

16:10 – Which stars have already been unmasked?

For now, the identity of four stars are already known. Last week, it was discovered that Teri Hatcher, actress of Desperate Housewive, was the international star hiding under the Beetle costume. More surprisingly, the imitator Marc-Antoine Lebret was the Tigress and played with her voice to lose the investigators. During the first episode, we discovered that Alain Bernard was the Bernard L’Hermitte, and Maud Fontenoy the Coral Fish.

4:00 p.m. – Mask Singer is back tonight!

Season 3 of Mask Singer is in full swing on TF1. The first channel’s investigative program is back this Friday, April 15, 2022 for its third episode. Two new personalities will unmask themselves this evening, and new clues will fuel the theories of jurors and Internet users. Go to the front page from 9:10 p.m. to follow the broadcast live, or to Linternaute.com, which gives you a real-time summary of the latest program information.

Program sheet

During season 3 of Mask Singer, twelve personalities will hide under costumes. Among the characters who will sing in the TF1 program, we will find a Chameleon, a Banana, a Pig, a Cosmonaut, a Tree, a Hermit Crab, a Tigress or even a Ladybug, a Crocodile, a Coral Fish but also a Butterfly. The last costume is still kept secret.

In the first three episodes of Mask Singer Mask Singer, we discover that Le Cerf is a man who can also sing well. We have already seen him at the NRJ Music Awards (which can indicate a musician, but also a presenter or a guest), and he has never participated in a tele-hook or a singing competition. In his first clue magneto, we can see a can of sardines and a cherub. In his second clue magneto, we discover a star, and that he is associated with a hit that allowed him to meet up with world famous bands. The investigators are convinced that the Deer is a singer in life. Kev Adams imagines it could be Claudio Capéo, Jarry thinks of Pascal Obispo, Alessandra Sublet imagines Axel Bauer. Internet users lean more towards Laurent Ournac of Camping Paradis or the host Bruno Guillon. Following the second episode of Mask Singer, the name of Antoine Kavanagh is mentioned by the jury.

In the first episode of Mask Singer, we learn that the Tree is a man who knows how to sing particularly well. The clues revealed by the first magneto are as follows: a French-English dictionary and a Statue of Liberty. He also explains that he is “on the move” and “not stressed before going on the Mask Singer stage. I have known much bigger playgrounds”. The Tree is an artist who lives on music. His second magneto reveals the golden color as well as the flags of the United Kingdom and the United States. His object index represents a mold in the shape of a star Investigators and viewers alike are convinced that the Tree is actually hiding Gilbert Montagné.

In the first episodes of Mask Singer, we discover that the Chameleon is a woman. On her first magneto, we see an origami of a boat or a crown and the number 20. She reveals that she has learned to step back, and that we have already seen her as an actress, even if this it is not for this aspect that we know it. On Twitter, we also discover that it has accumulated more than 100 million viewers. Its object clue is a television, while its second magneto reveals an image of Jean-Paul Gaultier and Fashion Week. For Internet users, no doubt, Sylvie Tellier hides under the costume.

Before episode 3 of Mask Singer, we know that the Pig is a man who is not an athlete specializing in athletics. However, he reveals that he “lost his first final” in a video on social networks. Clues from the first magneto reveal a medal and a relay witness. In his second magneto, we see daisies planted in a pot, and a writing quill. Its item clue is a toy car that pulls pans.

The Cosmonaut is a man whose name is often associated with the Moon, we discover in the first episode of Mask Singer. He also presented TV shows, but of an exceptional nature. In his first magneto, we discover a heart-shaped balloon and cutlery. In the second episode, we discover that he is “used to receiving all the gratin at my house and putting the small dishes in the big ones”, but also that he is a ladies’ man, “they occupy an important place in my work and in my heart”. Pierre Palmade under the Cosmonaut seems like a serious lead at this point.

The first episode of Mask Singer, broadcast on TF1 on April 1, 2022, revealed that Banana is a woman. On his first magneto, we discover a baguette, 50 euro notes and a watch. We also know that her name has already been cited by investigators during the first seasons of the show and that she has never been a world champion in a sporting discipline. She knows how to play music but has also obtained several medals. His item clue is a pair of glasses in the colors of the French flag.

In the first episode of Mask Singer, we learn that the Crocodile is a man who has already met all the investigators. He is used to the stage but is not a TV host, although he has appeared on television several times. In his first magneto, we discover a V and a remote control. In his second magneto, we discover thee Brazil, a figure and a stylized helmet on the belt. Internet users are convinced that it is Mika.

In episode 1 of Mask Singer, we discover that the Papillon is a relatively small woman who speaks good English and who knows certain people on the set very well. However, she is neither a comedian nor a comedian. On his first magneto, we see a two of hearts (with three hearts) and a candlestick. For Internet users before episode 1, there is no doubt that Denitsa Ikonomova is hiding under the Butterfly costume. But the second magneto of episode 2 disturbs the tracks, since she says to have turned with Will Smith and Leonardo DiCaprio and to have played “cops or adventurer roles in France or internationally”. Its object clue is the Koh Lanta totem.

Mask Singer season 3 episode 2 introduced the Ladybug, an international star. At the end of the episode, we discover that Teri Hatcher, the interpreter of Susan Mayer in the American series Desperate Housewives, was hiding under the suit. The clues were indeed pointing in her direction: she won a Golden Globes in 2005, the mention of her “neighbors” was a clue to the series, just like the 8 in lipstick, which symbolized the 8 seasons of Desperate Housewives.

The Tigress truly lost the Mask Singer investigators in the first two episodes. For a long time, it was thought to be a woman, and in particular an actress. His revelation at the end of episode 2 unveiled Marc-Antoine Le Bret in the costume of the Tigress. The jury had therefore not been right at all, just like the Internet users! The imitator had planned to change his voice at each performance.

The Hermit Crab was unmasked during the first episode of Mask Singer on April 1, 2022. We discover during the reveal sequence that former Olympic medalist swimmer Alain Bernard was hiding under the costume. The clues to find out were as follows: the car symbolized speed, the flames represented the Olympic Games, the watch the lap times and his gold medal.

At the end of the first episode of Mask Singer, broadcast on TF1 on April 1, 2022, we discover that the navigator Maud Fontenoy was hiding under the Coral Fish costume. The bridal veil was indeed reminiscent of her favorite sport and the Legion of Honor was a reference to the insignia of Knight of the National Order of Merit. It is also very active in the defense and protection of the oceans.

Mask Singer is broadcast from April 1, 2022 on TF1. It is on Friday evening from this date that the faithful will be able to find the issue of the front page. The investigative program hosted by Camille Combal with Alessandra Sublet, Anggun, Jarry and Kev Adams is broadcast from 9:10 p.m.

As for the star investigators of Mask Singer, the cast has not changed in season 3. We will always find Kev Adams, but also Alessandra Sublet, Anggun or even Jarry. However, Alessandra Sublet and Jary will not be back for season 4, expected probably next year. Camille Combal, the new face of TF1 for several years, is once again hosting this third season of Mask Singer.
