Which rice to choose to compose your summer salads?

Which rice to choose to compose your summer salads

Rice contains vitamins and minerals essential for the proper functioning of the body. To diversify your summer salads, discover the different varieties and their benefits.

Stop prejudices. Do not eliminate starchy foods from your diet before the summer, under the pretext of wanting to keep the figure. On the contrary, a daily consumption of rice aims to prevent weight gain.

On the same subject

How? ‘Or’ What ? Its nutrients allow you to meet the majority of your needs. Its wealth in complex carbohydrates and fiber helps you maintain stable blood sugar levels.

Its high content of vitamins and minerals also improves the feeling of fullness between meals and thus avoid snacking at any time of the day. Do not hesitate to add rice to your summer salads. Its various varieties offer you a range of tasty tastes and help you limit your calorie intake.

What criteria do you use to select your rice?

the White rice loses its nutrients during its manufacture. It is less nutritionally interesting.

the long rice Steamed is cooked with its husk, then peeled and dried. The nutrients, which migrate to the interior of the grain, are thus retained.

the basmati rice has the highest content of amylose, a slowly digested starch. It has a lower glycemic index than other rice.

the complete rice, with the conservation of its natural envelope, offers you a not insignificant richness in vegetable proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals. Its glycemic index is lower than that of white rice. This variety remains very interesting to avoid insulin spikes and avoid cravings.

More unknown, the black rice comes from an aquatic plant. It is however excellent for health thanks to its high protein content. Its taste, often associated with that of hazelnuts, remains more pronounced than white rice.

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