Which of the announced features are you looking forward to?

It’s been almost a whole month since Palworld launched and Pocket Pair has already provided you with several patches. The roadmap has already promised a lot – which of the features are you most excited about?

Almost a month has now passed since the early access launch on January 19, 2024 – a very successful month for Palworld. Finally, the community manager spoke about the collapse in player numbers on Steam and is looking forward to the future of the game.

In fact, Pocket Pal announced their roadmap shortly after launch:

Palworld’s roadmap.

What new features do you want?

With the first month behind us, we would now like to know from you which of the features announced in the roadmap are most important to you. Also write us the features in the comments that are not currently in the roadmap.

Is Pocket Pal fast with updates? In fact, the development team behind Palworld seems to be trying very hard. Since the start of early access, they have already released three patches in addition to the roadmap. It was mainly about bug fixes and preventing cheating:

At the end of January, many players complained on Reddit about Pals being stolen from other players and one-sided PvP. Stealing from Pals and PvP shouldn’t even be possible. Pocket Pal responded promptly with one of the patches mentioned above.

Are there any initial wishes in the community now? Of course, we would like to know specifically from our MeinMMO readers what their desired features are. A few users on reddit have already collected ideas. These include larger features, but also quality-of-life adjustments.

Here is a selection:

  • Pinnable crafting recipes
  • Have Pal attacks end automatically when the opponent has 20%-15% health left
  • A priority list for the Pals’ tasks in the base
  • Item allocation for crates
  • Automatic race
  • Are these also things you would like to see in the game? Or do you have completely different needs? Vote above and tell us in the comments what you think Palworld still needs.

    If you’re curious about what Pocket Pair has planned for Palworld in the near future, you might be interested in this: Players discover 6 unreleased Pals – These are them
