Which is the most dangerous rheumatism? Dangerous types of rheumatism

Rheumatism has different types of rheumatism such as ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, gout, fibromyalgia. Each type of rheumatism may require different symptoms, different course and treatment approaches. Early diagnosis of rheumatism types and determining appropriate treatment plans are important for relieving symptoms and improving quality of life. Rheumatologists follow up patients and guide them through the treatment process to create treatment plans suitable for individual situations.

What are the symptoms of rheumatism?

Since rheumatism is a group of diseases with different types, its symptoms may vary depending on the types. But in general, common symptoms of rheumatism can be:

  • The most common symptom of rheumatism is joint pain. Pain usually increases with movement and decreases with rest. It may affect more than one joint and may be symmetrical.
  • In inflammatory rheumatism, swelling may occur in the joint areas. These swellings can restrict joint movement and cause tenderness.
  • Rheumatism patients usually experience joint and muscle stiffness in the morning. Joint movements may become difficult in the morning and may take some time to move around.
  • Joint stiffness can occur, especially after inactivity. Restriction and stiffness may occur in joint movements.
  • Rheumatism can often be associated with a feeling of fatigue. Symptoms such as weakness, lack of energy and feeling generally tired may occur.
  • Some types of rheumatism can cause loss of appetite and weight loss. Metabolism changes and nutritional problems may occur during the disease process.
  • Rheumatism can affect a person’s quality of life in general. Depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and general malaise may occur.

These symptoms may differ in each individual and may vary depending on the type of rheumatism. If you are experiencing symptoms of rheumatism, it is important to consult a rheumatologist for help in the diagnosis and treatment process. Experts can guide you in relieving symptoms and improving quality of life by creating a treatment plan tailored for you.

What are the types of rheumatism?

The types of rheumatism differ in terms of symptoms, affected areas and treatment approaches. It is important to consult a rheumatologist for correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Experts can guide you in making a diagnosis based on your symptoms and creating a treatment plan that is tailored for you. Rheumatism refers to a group of diseases that can occur in different types. Here are some of the common types of rheumatism:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory type of rheumatism. The immune system initiates an autoimmune reaction that affects the joints. Symptoms such as joint swelling, pain, stiffness, limitation of movement are seen.
  • Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative rheumatism. The articular cartilage wears away and the joint deteriorates. Symptoms such as pain, joint stiffness, limitation of movement, joint swelling occur.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis: Ankylosing spondylitis is an inflammatory type of rheumatism that affects the spine and pelvis joints. It can manifest itself with symptoms such as low back pain, back stiffness, morning stiffness, and limitation of movement.
  • Lupus: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a type of autoimmune rheumatism. The immune system can damage various parts of the body. Symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue, rash, fever, kidney problems can be seen.
  • Gout: Gout is a type of rheumatism associated with the buildup of uric acid in the body. It usually causes painful inflammatory attacks in the big toe joints. Symptoms such as severe pain, swelling, redness are seen.
  • Fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is a type of rheumatism characterized by widespread pain, tenderness, and fatigue. Symptoms such as pain, stiffness, sleep disorders, concentration difficulties occur.

Which is the most dangerous rheumatism?

Among the types of rheumatism, there is not one that can be described as the “most dangerous”. Each type of rheumatism presents with different symptoms, course and effects. However, some types of rheumatism can cause serious complications or further affect quality of life. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can damage various parts of the body and affect internal organs. Some types of inflammatory rheumatism, such as ankylosing spondylitis, can cause deformity and limitation of movement in the spine and pelvis joints.

However, early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important in the treatment of rheumatism. Each type of rheumatism differs from individual to individual and its effects may vary. Rheumatologists can help you determine appropriate treatment plans based on your symptoms. With regular follow-up and treatment, the symptoms of rheumatism patients can be managed and their quality of life can be increased.

What is good for rheumatic pain?

You can try some of the following methods to relieve rheumatic pain:

  • Applying hot or cold compresses to painful areas can help reduce pain.
  • A warm compress can relax muscles and increase blood flow, while a cold compress can reduce inflammation.
  • Proper exercise and stretching can increase joint mobility, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain. However, the guidance of your doctor or physiotherapist in exercise selection and intensity is important.
  • Physical therapy works in a variety of ways to relieve pain and increase joint mobility. Techniques such as massage, electrical stimulation, ultrasound can be used.
  • You can use pain relievers recommended by your doctor.
  • Herbal and natural products such as ginger, curcumin, olive oil, rosemary oil may have anti-inflammatory properties and help relieve pain. However, it is important to consult your doctor before using these products.
  • Stress can increase the symptoms of rheumatism. Stress management techniques can reduce stress and help manage pain through methods such as relaxation exercises, meditation, and breathing exercises.

Individual responses to dealing with rheumatic pain may differ, so you can try and consult your doctor to find the methods that will work best for you. A specialist rheumatologist will guide you to manage your symptoms and provide you with the appropriate treatment plan.

Does rheumatism affect internal organs?

Some types of rheumatism can affect the internal organs. In particular, autoimmune rheumatic diseases can affect internal organs due to a faulty attack of the immune system on body tissues. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune rheumatic disease and can affect various organs such as the skin, joints, kidneys, heart, lungs, brain. Likewise, inflammatory forms of rheumatism such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis can affect extra-articular organs.

Internal organ involvement in rheumatic diseases may differ in terms of the variety and severity of symptoms. Organ involvement can lead to disease progression and more problems if left uncontrolled. For this reason, it is important that rheumatism patients are in the process of regular follow-up and treatment. The rheumatologist follows patients to evaluate visceral involvement and develop appropriate treatment strategies. Internal organ involvement can be controlled and managed with early diagnosis, regular follow-up and appropriate treatment.

Do rheumatism drugs affect the immune system?

Rheumatism drugs can affect the immune system in some cases. Rheumatic diseases are often considered autoimmune diseases, meaning the immune system mistakenly attacks its own body tissues. Rheumatism drugs can be used to control or suppress this overreaction of the immune system. These drugs work to inhibit the process of inflammation and tissue damage by regulating the immune system response.

However, the use of rheumatism drugs can cause some side effects. While immunosuppressive drugs are used to suppress the immune system, they can affect the normal functions of the immune system. This can mean an increased risk of infections. Also, drugs that suppress the immune system can increase the risk of malignancy (cancer) in some cases.

Rheumatologists carefully evaluate the use of rheumatism drugs and monitor patients’ immune system responses. The treatment plan is individualized depending on the patient’s type of rheumatism, symptoms, and other health conditions. Taking into account the side effects and benefits of the use of drugs, doctors determine appropriate treatment strategies and monitor patients regularly.

Which doctor treats rheumatism?

A rheumatologist takes care of rheumatic disease. Rheumatologists are medical doctors who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of rheumatic and immune-related diseases. These specialists provide the necessary support and consultancy services to diagnose rheumatic diseases, manage symptoms, drug therapy, physical therapy, exercise recommendations, monitor the disease process and improve the quality of life of patients.

If you suspect or have been diagnosed with rheumatism, it is important to consult a rheumatologist. These specialists will evaluate your symptoms, perform the necessary tests, and create a treatment plan that is right for you. Rheumatology specialists provide their patients with a multidisciplinary approach, determine individual treatment plans and follow patients regularly.
