The MMO New World celebrated its release on September 28, 2021. A central feature of the game is the choice of faction from level 10. But which factions are there and which should you choose? We at MeinMMO give you the information.
What kind of factions are these? In New World you can choose from three factions that differ significantly in their history and play style. You can join one of them from level 10. There are:
Why is the election so important? The battles in the open world and the wars for fortresses are directly related to the factions. All three fight each other. There are also special faction missions that are slightly different.
New World will soon be released for consoles – here is the trailer:
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By joining a faction you are bound to it with this character. You can only change faction every 120 days and not into the strongest faction on the server. The only alternative is to delete the character and recreate it. Since guilds are also tied to a faction, you should choose them carefully.
Do you have to choose a faction? No, theoretically the quest can be ignored at level 10. However, you will then not be able to take part in open-world PvP, faction quests and fortress wars.
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This is what the factions offer
These are the marauders: The marauders are a bit reminiscent of pirates. They love freedom more than power, they are strong and they value causing a lot of damage.
This is the alliance: The alliance is reminiscent of crusaders. They are armored fighters who fight against evil on the island of Aeternum. The faction takes on the role of purist heroes.
This is the syndicate: The alchemists and magicians of New World gather in the syndicate. Game director Scot Lane describes her as a kind of “alternative version of Isaac Newton”. They are cunning, intellectual and in search of forbidden knowledge.
You should choose this faction
What bonuses do the factions bring? By joining a faction, you get special faction missions that include PvE and PvP tasks. Through these missions you get currency and thus specific faction equipment.
The choice of faction plays a small role here, because depending on the description of the faction, different equipment is mentioned:
However, the differences are primarily of a visual nature and do not have a major influence on gameplay. After all, crafting is guaranteed to give you the best equipment.
Which faction is the best? Basically, you have a free choice in New World, as all factions don’t differ much in terms of gameplay. However, there are certain advantages and disadvantages, which depend more on the status of your server than on the pure faction:
You can see the respective dominance of the factions on the world map. Each faction has a different color when controlling territories. However, keep in mind that the status of the card can change at any time. Which faction do you like the most? Or will you try out all the factions once? Tell us in the comments. You can find everything you need to know about starting New World on the console here