Which candidate to vote for in the 2024 legislative elections? Find out which party you are closest to

Which candidate to vote for in the 2024 legislative elections

What did the parties vote for in the National Assembly? A simulator helps you find the legislative candidate who is closest to your ideas.

The legislative elections will take place on June 30 and July 7. Who to vote for? After the surprise dissolution of the National Assembly, an exceptionally rapid campaign began. Under these conditions, it is not always easy to choose which candidate to support in your constituency. Between the beautiful campaign promises and the caricatures drawn by the opponents, how do you decide if a party really convinces you?

A good indicator is to look at the laws passed by the different political parties in Parliament. How would you have voted if you had been in the National Assembly? Which party voted like you?

To help you, here is a very practical simulator which allows you, by answering several specific questions, to discover which political party you are closest to. This tool was created by VoteFinder.fr, a volunteer site whose mission is to raise awareness of the work of deputies and to get the French to take more interest in these legislative elections. Thanks to this quick test, made available by our partner, you can discover in a few clicks the party closest to your beliefs. A concrete way to decide between the candidates in your constituency.

Your answers are compared to those of the real elected officials. “To facilitate understanding, all the proposed laws have been popularized and summarized by experts. The complete text of the law is available on each sheet,” specifies VoteFinder. Vote “For” or “Against” for each proposal. Click “Summary” to learn more if a proposal seems too vague. The more you vote, the more precise the suggestion will be.

Of course, the test only subjects you to a few texts of law and amendments among all those which have been voted on by deputies in the National Assembly in recent years. But it has the merit of giving you an overview of the effective action of the political groups which present candidates in the 2024 legislative elections.

This project is led by a group of “political science enthusiasts with varied profiles (engineers, alumni of Science Po, ENS and UNESCO)” with the aim of “democratic transparency”.

Who is a candidate for the legislative elections in your country?

Find your municipality or constituency to consult the lists of candidates for the legislative elections:

Once the test has been carried out, still check who is a candidate in your constituency: it happens that parties have not nominated candidates from their camp in certain territories, for games of proximity, alliance or considering that they did not have the slightest chance of winning the election in this constituency, given the electoral sociology and the short time to carry out a legislative campaign.
