Which boy’s first name in 3 letters to choose?

Which boys first name in 3 letters to choose

Very short first names appeal to many parents! If you’re looking for a three-letter first name for your boy, here are our best ideas.

THE short first names are trendy, and ultra-short first names appeal to many parents. These are very simple to remember and have an undeniable practical aspect. If you are looking for a very short first name for a boy, with one or two syllables, choose the three letter male names.

Top 6 boy names in 3 letters

Louis, Arthur, Jules, Gabriel, Liam... The top 100 of the most attributed male names contains many short names. Some are even very short, and offer themselves a good place in the classification of baby boys. If you like trendy names, here is the top 6 boy names in three letters:

  1. Leo
  2. Noah
  3. tom
  4. Mae
  5. noa
  6. Ali

What are some rare three-letter boy names?

Three-letter first names are often diminutives and some of them are rarely assigned. This is the case, for example, of Dan, Jim and Zac, the short versions of Daniel, James/Jimmy and Zachary.

  • VSthose who seek originality will be able to appreciate Loe, which changes Leo. Depending on the origins, it can mean “little king” or “lion”.
  • With its very soft sounds, the first name Ael can mean “angel”, and it is also the Breton form of the first name Ange.
  • Parents wishing to pay homage to their origins or to a culture they admire can also look abroad to choose the short first name of their son, with for example Bao (“precious” in Vietnamese)
  • Edo (derived from “ed”, “to protect” in Old Germanic)
  • Gio (“living” or “life” in Italian, it is also the derivative of the Hebrew “yehohanan”, “God forgives”)
  • Ian (English form of John, it means “God is merciful”.

Name for boy in 3 letters starting with T

Parents who like diminutives have the choice on the side of male first names of three letters in T! Tom, for example, is the diminutive of Thomas, which means “twin in Aramaic. They can also opt for Tim, short version of Timothy, which means “honor” and “god” in Greek. Those who like classic first names, but with a touch of originality can turn to Teo, a variant of Theo. Tio also has similar sounds, and it means “uncle” in Spanish. In Chinese, the first name tao means “long life” or “he who smiles.

By M

Mio, Meo, Mir, Moe, Mao... Three-letter first names beginning with M sound very sweet. Movie-loving parents will be able to call their son Email, in tribute to Mel Gibson. Those who like the first names Mathieu, Matthew or Matéo but who find them a little too long can assign the first name Mast to their son, a pretty diminutive. We also like the name Mae, which is mixed and means “prince, chief” in Celtic. Fans of American first names can turn to Mac.

In E

Many male E names are only three letters long, such as Ebu, Efe, Ege, Eki, Eno, Eol or even Ery. Parents looking for a diminutive name may like Edo, short for Edouard, and meaning “to protect/guard.” We also like Eddy, short version of Eddie or Edie, as well as Eli and Ely, less used variants of Elie.

Which male short name in 4 letters?

The list of four letter male names full of nuggets! We love Amin and Aranbut also Ewan, Finn, Fred and Cain. Very American first names Brad, Drew and Bill may appeal to some. Eloi, Mael, Leon and Hugo can appeal to families who like classic and old first names. Eden, Noah, Adam, Milo, Elio, Paul, Malo, Naël, Soan or even Enzo have enjoyed some popularity in recent years.
