where is the opponent Oumar Mariko?

where is the opponent Oumar Mariko

On April 4, gendarmes burst into the home of Oumar Mariko, while he was absent, without a warrant but with a summons letter. The president of Sadi, a figure of the Malian opposition, was already to be tried next month for virulent remarks targeting the transitional Prime Minister, in a private conversation. This time, it seems to be an outing against the Malian army, currently accused of multiple abuses, which are the cause of his new legal setbacks. But Oumar Mariko never responded to the summons which was left at his home. Almost two weeks later, where is he?

It is said in Côte d’Ivoire, Niger or Guinea, it is also said to be hidden inside the country or in an embassy in Bamako. But the few who really know where Oumar Mariko is are careful not to reveal it. ” His comrades advised him not to surrender to the authorities who seek to silence him, and to take shelter, explains one of his relatives, who laments: when you are afraid of the justice of your country, it means that the situation is serious. »

What are Oumar Mariko’s intentions? The president of Sadi must be tried on May 18 for remarks qualified as insulting against the Prime Minister of transition Choguel Maïga, held in a private WhatsApp discussion.

A complaint against the Tribunal which prosecutes him is already ready », Says one of Oumar Mariko’s advisers, who affirms that the recording in question was obtained by the Justice in a fraudulent manner.

Read also: Mali: opponent Oumar Mariko again worried by justice

As for the second procedure, several Malian judicial sources indicated to RFI that it had been initiated by the court of Commune 3 of Bamako, on the instructions of the Minister of Justice, after remarks made this time during a political meeting. at the beginning of the month. Oumar Mariko had ventured to criticize the national army, accused of numerous abuses against Malian civilians. ” We haven’t learned the basics of the pursuit, further explains one of his advice, if it is defamation against the army, the complaint will come from the army. We haven’t seen anything. »

He didn’t say anything badsays a relative. Is it now forbidden to say what we think? All those who try to alert on the situation of the country are reduced to silence. Look what happens to Etienne Fakaba Sissoko ! »

Malian forces are still looking for the president of Sadi. His entourage indicates that the device around his home has been lightened, but assures that patrols as well as State Security agents continue to pass regularly around.
