where and how was he killed?

where and how was he killed

AL-ZAWAHIRI. Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed by the United States announced Joe Biden, late on the night of Monday August 1, 2022. The leader of Al-Qaeda had been wanted for ten years.

“On Saturday, on my orders, the United States carried out an airstrike on Kabul, Aghanistan, which killed the emir of Al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri. Justice has been served and this terrorist leader n ‘is more.” These were the words of Joe Biden, the President of the United States, during the night (French time). The leader therefore announced from the White House the death of the leader of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda which had perpetrated the attacks of September 11, 2001. The strike was carried out by a CIA drone over the weekend, in the capital of Afghanistan. A country from which the American army has withdrawn – not without chaos – but whose intelligence services have therefore not ceased their surveillance and tracking operations for terrorists. 11 years after killing Osama bin Ladenthe former leader of Al-Qaeda, the United States is therefore dealing a new blow to the organization.

Ayman al-Zawahiri killed at his home

Ayman al-Zawahiri was one of the most hunted terrorists in the world. Actively sought since he was inducted as head of Al-Qaeda in 2011, the 71-year-old man had a 25 million contract on his head. It was indeed the sum promised to pay the United States for any information likely to locate the number 1 of the terrorist organization. It was finally on the balcony of his home that he was discovered, located in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. More specifically, it was in the luxurious Sherpur neighborhood that the attack was carried out, as specified by the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, in a statement posted on social networks, which condemned the attack. American offensive.

If in 2011, Osama bin Laden had been killed during an offensive by American special forces, the process was very different to annihilate Ayman al-Zawahiri. It was indeed a drone that caused the death of the terrorist by firing two missiles at the precise target, causing no other casualties.
