When you add cinnamon to this tea, it turns into a cure! The doctor who drinks the tea does not see the face…

When you add cinnamon to this tea it turns into

It is almost impossible to have a disease-free winter. While we used to fight colds and flu, now we need to protect our bodies against Covid-19 and its variants. We can strengthen our immunity by taking vitamins D and C every day, as well as strengthen our immunity with natural methods.

Thanks to the orange, which strengthens the immune system, you can easily cope with diseases and viruses that surround the whole world today. In addition, orange helps to balance blood pressure and is also used in the treatment of anemia.

Ideal for heart health, orange and orange juice help keep the body vigorous and warm thanks to the minerals and vitamins it gives.

Consuming portal and orange tea, which has countless benefits for the skin, allows you to stay away from doctors.

Adding cinnamon to orange or orange tea, which contains vitamins C and D, as well as calcium, potassium, organic acids and fiber, doubles these benefits.


When you add a stick of cinnamon to the prepared orange tea and consume it regularly every day, you will prevent the accumulation of toxins and viruses in the body.

In addition, cinnamon, which has an antimicrobial effect, provides rapid healing of wounds in the mouth. By balancing the stomach acid, it prevents going into the esophagus.

In addition, orange tea, which prevents the formation of kidney stones, is good for constipation and diarrhea. In addition, if you consume orange juice on an empty stomach, you can get rid of intestinal microbes.


