when Trump gets involved – L’Express

when Trump gets involved – LExpress

Donald Trump has an opinion on everything, including France’s artistic choices. On Monday, July 30, the Republican candidate called the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics, and in particular the sequence of drag queens at the table, a “disgrace.”

“I’m very open-minded, but I thought what they did was a disgrace,” the former US president said in an interview with Fox News.

Asked what kind of opening ceremony he would like to see at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics if he were president, Donald Trump said: “We will not have a Last Supper depicted like they did the other day.”

READ ALSO: “Making Emily in Paris a reality”: the Paris Olympics, an opportunity for French “soft power”

The Republican billionaire was referring to the drag queen tableau at the Games’ opening ceremony in Paris on Friday, which some interpreted as a mockery of Jesus’ last meal with his apostles, the Last Supper. The sequence drew harsh criticism from far-right politicians on social media, particularly in France and Italy. “You will never find in me any desire to mock, to denigrate anything,” responded ceremony director Thomas Jolly. “I wanted to make a ceremony that repairs, that reconciles.”
