When to see a neuropsychologist?

When to see a neuropsychologist

A psychologist specializing in neuropsychology, the neuropsychologist is responsible for assessing the link between neurological dysfunctions and behavior. Why consult a neuropsychologist? What happens during a consultation ? What is the price ? Know everything.

What is a Neuropsychologist?

A neuropsychologist is a clinical psychologist or researcher specializing in neurocognitive functions, that is to say, the capacities of the brain allowing us to activate ourselves on a daily basis in an optimal way. They include in particular memory, concentration, executive functions such as inhibition (restricting behavior that is inappropriate or unexpected), flexibility (the ability to switch between tasks), and planning skills.

What is the role of a neuropsychologist?

The neuropsychologist is responsible foranalyze brain dysfunctions. This professional may be called upon to act in three main situations:

► One evaluation situation : “the neuropsychologist sees a patient, usually at the request of a medical specialist (neurologist, psychiatrist, geriatrician or neuropediatrician), and performs a neuropsychological assessment to assess cognitive functions through an arsenal of tests to determine whether the person is within the standards of their age and level of education“, explains Marine Manard, clinical neuropsychologist.

► One brain injury rehabilitation function or neurodegenerative pathology. The neuropsychologist can propose rehabilitation or support situations to try to optimize daily life or promote good cognitive recovery. “For example, in the context of a stroke or Alzheimer’s disease, we will be able to train or compensate for the cognitive abilities that are lacking in order to try to improve daily life.“, details the neuropsychologist.

► The psychoeducation : it aims to teach the patient (and the family) to understand his difficulties, his pathology, particularly in the context of attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity in a young person, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia of any other type.

What is the difference with a clinical psychologist?

According to his specialty, the clinical psychologist takes charge of pathologies or psychological disorders (anxiety, depression, bereavement, post-traumatic stress, etc.). The care then varies according to the specialty of the psychologist in question, if it has a rather psychoanalytical or cognitive-behavioural orientation. “It is part of a process of support or evaluation of psychological or psychosomatic pathology. The neuropsychologist intervenes more in the context of a search for neurological or neurodevelopmental pathology“, develops the specialist.

Why go to see a neuropsychologist?

It is useful to consult a neuropsychologist in the presence of cognitive disorders causing daily difficulties. “In children or adolescents, parents may want to consult a neuropsychologist to assess their skills. For example, for take an IQ test or assess for attention deficit disorder. We are going to investigate to understand what is happening, why the child is restless at school, why he cannot listen, why the elderly person who was doing very well alone at home suddenly begins to forget his saucepan on the fire several times a week“, specifies Marine Manard. If some people know the discipline and come spontaneously in the presence of a difficulty in everyday life, a visit to the attending physician beforehand is generally necessary. This will refer him to a specialist and/or prescribe biological examinations and imaging examinations, sometimes associated with a neuropsychological assessment. The neuropsychologist makes hypotheses then the medical specialist makes the synthesis and makes the final diagnosis.

The course of a neuropsychology consultation varies according to the reason invoked. In all cases, the neuropsychologist begins by take an anamnesis to trace the patient’s history : his medical history, his medications, his sleep, if he is subject to stress or sadness. The priority is to eliminate all the factors likely to interfere with performance because we know that someone who is deeply anxious or depressed will be able to present a cognitive alteration. The evaluation phase follows during which all the tests will be carried out, then the correction of the latter and the writing of the report. If treatment is indicated, several sessions will be necessary for rehabilitation. At the end of these, uan evaluation is carried out again to see if the skills worked have improved. As part of a more functional care for everyday problems, the neuropsychologist will train skills and rely on the feelings of the patient and his family. Finally, as part of a psychoeducationthere is no specific course, the patient is received for classic sessions.

What is the cost of a consultation?

The price for a simple consultation is 60 € on average. The prices for a psychometric assessment, a neuropsychological assessment and the writing of a consultation report vary according to the practitioners.

Is it reimbursed?

Neuropsychology consultations are not reimbursed by health insurance. Some mutuals offer partial or total coverage of the sessions. Overall, prices fluctuate between 250 and 350€.

After obtaining a degree in psychologya specialization thanks to a Master’s degree Neuropsychology is necessary. A total of five years of study are required.

Thanks to Marine Manard, clinical neuropsychologist.
