When to make love again after an abortion?

When to make love again after an abortion

After a medical or surgical abortion, it is recommended to wait a few days before resuming sexual intercourse. The point with Odile Bagot, obstetrician gynecologist.

A medical abortion is performed until the end of the 7th week pregnancy or up to 9 weeks of amenorrhea. For surgical abortion, the delays are longer, until the end of the 14th week, ie 16 weeks of amenorrhea.

After how long can we make love again after a medicated IV?

After a medical abortion, from the when the bleeding is almost zero, it is possible to resume sexual activity“, notes Odile Bagot, obstetrician-gynecologist. It may take about eight to ten days.

After how long can we make love again after a surgical abortion?

In the context of a surgical abortion, the practitioner dilates the cervix to pass a plastic cannula inside, connected to a device that allows aspiration of the uterine contents“, explains the gynecologist. As for the medical abortion, it is advisable to wait a few days, the end of the bleeding, to have sex again.

What are the risks ?

If the cervix is ​​not closed well enough, the risk is that there are germs that travel up from the vagina to the cervix and who could be responsible for a endometritis. This is an ascending uterine infection that results in an infection of the endometrium, the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. “Endometritis is the most common complication after an abortion. If neglected, the infection may ascend to the fallopian tubes resulting in a salpingitis which can jeopardize fertility“, notes the gynecologist. Before the intervention, it is important to check the absence of germs, in particular Chlamydia. After, not having sex in the following days prevents the onset of the infectionjust like not taking a bath and not going to the swimming pool. “Note that the risk of endometritis is higher after a surgical abortion – the cervix is ​​more dilated – than after a medical abortion”adds the specialist.

What precautions to take?

There is no special precautions to take otherwise a contraceptive precaution. It is indeed important to immediately resume contraception. “You can ovulate two weeks after an abortion. We must therefore protect ourselves even if we still have small bleedings”.

Is it normal to be afraid to make love again after an abortion?

To be afraid or not is a very random feeling. “Everything will depend on woman’s feelings. We should also remember that it is subject to a hormonal disruption at the start of pregnancy, an upheaval that can affect desire”notes Odile Bagot.

Is the bleeding normal?

Bleeding is normal until the uterus returns to its previous state and the cervix closes. “Bleeding generally lasts longer during a medical abortion because the uterus bleeds until it is completely empty. During a surgical abortion, the contents of the uterus are aspirated. In case of persistent bleeding, we start by checking that the rate ofpregnancy hormone, the BHCG has decreased and we make sure on the ultrasound that there are no remains in the uterine cavity“, explains the gynecologist.

What to do ?

Whether it is a surgical or medical abortion, a visit must take place between the 14th day and the 21st day after the intervention. The healthcare professional will ensure that there are no complications. Nevertheless, if the bleeding continues after 15 days or are abundant, then it is important to see a doctor.

Thanks to Odile Bagot, obstetrician gynecologist and author of My Gyneco Survival Guide at Marabout.
