When the icon Mats Näslund shocked all his teammates in the shower – after the SM final: “What the hell is that!?”

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Peter Andersson has over 100 matches in Tre Kronor on the merit list – and in the 2012/2013 season he was named coach of the year in Swedish hockey.
In “Släpp Sargen” he tells about a bizarre memory concerning the icon Mats Näslund.
– Then I saw his arm and thought “it must be off”, says Andersson in the podcast.

The legend Mats Näslund, 63, has a long and successful career behind him. Three SM golds, one WC gold and the classic Olympic gold in Lillehammer 1994 are some of the successes on the merit list.

Unforgettable event

Näslund was – obviously – a hard and tough player. At least if you can believe it Peter Andersson who played with Mats Näslund in Malmö when the club won the SM gold in 1992.

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920414 Ice hockey, Elitserien, Final, Malmö – Djurgården, 4-2: Malmö’s Mats Hallin with Mats Näslund on his shoulders through the crowd. Photo: BILDBYRÅN / 15885

Näslund came to Malmö with several years in the NHL under his belt, and continued as a fantastically good hockey player. And in the middle of the tough SC finals against Djurgården, something happened that Peter Andersson will never forget.

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“What the hell happened?”

After one of the SM finals, Peter Andersson describes how Mats Näslund had just showered and was drying himself – when he discovered something startling to say the least.
– That thing is absolutely sick. We had played a match, he had showered and was drying himself. Then I looked at him and saw his arm and thought “what the hell is that, it must be off”. The entire triceps had fallen down and sat roughly where the elbow sits, says Andersson in “Släpp Sargen”.

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210206 Brynäs’ coach Peter Andersson during the ice hockey match in the SHL between Malmö Redhawks and Brynäs on February 6, 2021 in Malmö. Photo: Christian Örnberg / BILDBYRÅN / COP 166 / CO0041

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Mats Näslund had received a slashing during the match, but despite that did not seem particularly concerned about his injured arm.
– His upper arm looked like a three-year-old’s upper arm because everything had sort of fallen down. I asked “what the hell happened?” and then he explained that he had been slashed, Andersson says in the podcast.
– “If it’s the SC final, you play on,” he said, and then I thought that this is how it works if you want to win. It was absolutely insane, I’ll never forget it. It’s a thing that has stuck, and then he had to stand there with a SM gold won as well.

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