“When the girls go out paddling, they do it refreshed; it’s like a treatment”

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The Iberdrola Supera Awards once again fill the winning projects with joy and emotion. The “Exceeds Social”which seeks to promote the integration of women into society through sport, has fallen to the Algeciras Rowing Club (Andalusia). It will help the insertion of women who have overcome breast cancer by practicing rowing as a team.

Carmen Gutierrezclub treasurer, and Gemma Almironvice president, spoke to AS to detail the project and what they will do with the 50,000 euros they will receive from Iberdrola to acquire their own boat and not depend on third parties to be able to row in Andalusian waters.

How and when did the idea of ​​starting this project arise?

Since we established the club two years ago we decided to make a breast cancer team. We contacted the Campo de Gibraltar Association and the ‘Red Flag’ Association supported the project. From the beginning we have been, both them and us, looking for financing to row so that they have the possibility of training and rowing in a club that provides them with the material they need.

What does it mean for you to get together to row?

It is a dream for all of them because they have overcome a very serious disease, some continue with the treatments and this gives them a boost, forgetting about the disease, focusing on rowing, seeing the dolphins… When they leave they do so renewed, they tell us that it’s like a treatment.

Is it a message for all the people who suffer from this disease?

“There are many studies that prove that rowing is very flattering to recover a woman from breast cancer”

Yes, because there are many studies that confirm that rowing is very flattering to recover a woman from breast cancer. There are already many teams that dedicate a special category, which is female breast cancer survivors (BCS). In Andalusia we only had them in Malaga and Seville, now thanks to this award we will have them in Cádiz.

How many days a week do you row?

We will try, from now on, to start training a couple of days a week. Let the euphoria pass and we will start working with them.

Is it a dream for you to have your own boat?

The one we had was left to us by the Andalusian Rowing Federation and we have to return it because it cannot be exclusive to a single club. They let us and we have made the most of it. Now we are going to have ours and we are not going to have to borrow anything and we can enjoy it all we want.

Did you expect this award?

We’ve had our ups and downs, but we’re very happy even though they left us for last at the gala. We were already on our nerves.

Anything to say to Iberdrola?

We have to thank him to infinity for what is going to help us with this. Without the help of Iberdrola, the project would not be possible.

When you have the boat, what is your next objective?

Prepare the team to be able to participate in a regional League. In Andalusia, a Fixed Bank Rowing League is held and one of the categories is BCS. We want to participate with a team from the Algeciras Rowing Club that will be called Iberdrola BCS.

*This content offered by IBERDROLA has been prepared by Diario AS.
