When Stefan Edberg broke the rival completely – after the showdown of the times in the US Open final: “Never been so crushed”

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It wasn’t just his fifth Grand Slam title.
When Stefan Edberg won the US Open in 1991, it was something completely different.
Perhaps it is the most dominant final performance in the history of tennis.
– I’ve been beaten before, but never like this…, opponent Jim Courier said afterwards.

Björn Borg had dominated year after year, but when he put his racket on the shelf, the Swedish tennis public never had to worry much. The perfect heir was there in Stefan Edberg, and he would have a truly unparalleled career.

Incredible display

A total of six Grand Slam titles for Edberg, who was also world number one in 1990, and he is counted as one of the very best Swedish tennis players ever. And a clear proof of that came on September 8, 1991. To say that it is a day to remember for Swedish tennis would be a gross understatement.

Sweden’s Stefan Edberg holds the trophy he won in the men’s singles finals at the US on Sunday, Sept. 14, 1992 in New York. Edberg defeated Pete Sampras 3-6, 6-4, 7-6 (7-5), 6-2 to take the championship. (AP Photo/Rusty Kennedy) TT NEWS AGENCY

Stefan Edberg was always known for his amazing serve, and when he was now chasing his fifth Grand Slam title, he excelled at his best. The final was played against Jim Courier, and it can almost be described as the perfect match from the Swede. He won 3-0 in sets, 6-2, 6-4, 6-0, and there are numbers that are impressive to say the least with the match.

“Never been so crushed”

Stefan Edberg held his serve in twelve out of twelve occasions during the match, and lost a total of – during the entire match – a measly 15 points during his serves. He had twice as many aces as faults. The tennis world sat in awe over the effort, and afterwards Edberg admitted:

– It is difficult to understand. It was almost like a dream. I felt like I could do anything out there.

911020 Tennis, Stockholm Open: Fredrik Belfrage, announcer and Stefan Edberg, Sweden. Photo: BILDBYRÅN

Even Jim Courier was in a bit of a shock afterwards. He said it was a defeat he had almost never felt before.

– I have been crushed before, but never like this. This is the biggest loss I’ve taken this year. He made my strokes look like… I don’t know what.

Afterwards, he could state bluntly:

– I did my best today, but I was beaten by a better player.

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