When Pierre Lemaitre serializes, the family is a whole world

When Pierre Lemaitre serializes the family is a whole world

Winner of the Prix Goncourt in 2013 with “Au revoir là-haut”, Pierre Lemaitre returns today with a thrilling family saga. An adventure novel that takes the reader from Beirut to Saigon from 1948 via Paris until the beginning of the 30 glorious years.

The word “jubilatory” conceals – in its spelling as in its sounds – a very enticing greediness. When on the back cover of a novel, the publisher uses it to lure you: either you smell the scam, telling yourself that you are going to be disappointed. Or give in to temptation.

If the author of the book is Pierre Lemaitre, you can open it without too much fear, and close it not far from 600 pages later, having a devilish desire to discover the rest of this family saga full of verve, twists and turns. tasty characters.

From Beirut to Saigon in 1948 via Paris, this is a real adventure novel, in the great tradition of the 19th century serial novel.

You laughed, you learned too. On Indochina and the beginning of the 30 Glorious Years, on the beginnings of the popular press and above all perhaps on human nature. You weren’t bored for a second.

“The Big World”, the new novel by Pierre Lemaitre was published by Calmann-Lévy editions.

Reporting : Marjorie Bertin was interested in the only on stage “Portrait of Amakoé de Souza, salad, tomatoes, onions” by and with Jean-Christophe Folly on the bill at the TNP in Villeurbane, near Lyon, until next Saturday February 5.
