When is an internship remunerated?

When is an internship remunerated

Internships constitute an optimal combination of training and experience for young students, which allows them to anticipate their entry into the world of work. They are highly sought after on CVs by recruiters, since they will boost the productivity of their organizations. In some cases, the employer is obliged to pay the intern. So, from what duration is an internship remunerated?

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In France, internships are framed by law, and companies are not entirely free on contracting. In this article, we will talk about approved internships, carried out by students following initial training in a company, in the public service or in an association or an NGO. These internships are therefore framed by an agreement signed by the student and the host structure, and cannot exceed 6 months per school year.

From what duration is an internship remunerated?

One traineeship must be paid if he has a duration more than 2 months.

Another possibility arises in the event of a split internship, that is to say a internship carried out in several times. It can be 3 times 4 weeks of internship for example, all being contracted. In this case, the traineeship must be paid from 309 h. These hours can be carried out over several months.

On the other hand, in the event of an internship lasting less than 2 months, the company has no obligation to pay. It can decide whether or not to pay you compensation.

All information in this article is taken from official site administration.

What are the minimum allowances for internships?

Since January 1, 2020, for internships longer than 2 months, the minimum compensation is € 600.60 per month. This equates to a minimum hourly rate of € 3.90 per hour.

In public reception structures, the amount of the allowance may not exceed these amounts. On the other hand, in the private sector, companies can decide to grant a higher allowance to trainees.

Why is it important to do internships?


Today, doing professional internships is a guarantee of value in the course of students. In this way, they can adapt to the company, put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired, and obtain the experience that recruiters are looking for.

Thanks to the internship, students will be more qualified and better suited to the needs of organizations. They will thus gain potential in a recruitment process.


At the end of their training period, many students still feel confused and do not know exactly which profession to take. The internship is an ideal tool to allow them to better target their expectations.

The intern will get to know the professional reality of his country, the functioning of organizations and the state of labor market. They will be able to apply the knowledge acquired by developing a personal and professional path which will allow them to mature and create a network of contacts.


Internships also help develop interpersonal skills that are highly sought after and expected by human resources experts. Among them, we find:

  • Conflict resolution
  • Planning and organization
  • Communication skills
  • Use of computer programs
  • Creativity
  • Persuasion

These skills are usually not acquired during formal studies. They often require specific training, or are learned through experience.

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