when “at the same time” becomes a paradox – L’Express

Macrons press conference seen from abroad – LExpress

We cannot exclude that the president, sometimes, plays a little politics. Thus, declaring in Humanity : “I never considered that the RN was part of the ‘republican arc'”, then: “The RN is in the Assembly, its deputies vote on laws and the National Assembly has entrusted them with responsibilities” , does Emmanuel Macron appear as himself. Follower of a “at the same time”, which some disgruntled people would be tempted to describe as “political exploitation”. Horizon: June 2024, date of the European elections. The National Rally continues its progress in the polls and on the executive side, we concede to feeling a form of helplessness. How can we slow down this adversary that even the advent of Gabriel Attal – and his truthful speaking at Matignon – does not seem to shake?

Clearly, you have to do everything yourself when you are president. So here is Emmanuel Macron who is agitating, swearing to respect the voters of the RN, while refusing that in the National Assembly “important texts” be voted on thanks to the votes of these elected officials. Respect and refusal, apotheosis of at the same time, triumph of the French paradox. We acclaim democracy, we claim to be its guardians… We refuse to accept its results, all its results. Emmanuel Macron himself suffered from this, a president whom a part of the Mélenchonist left and beyond has considered since his re-election as illegitimate under the pretext that he was only able to gather 38% of the votes of registered voters.

But what do the contradictions matter when the elections approach? No need to

READ ALSO: “I shock them, I sadden them”: how Macron treats ministers, advisors and friends

deplore the great vagueness which surrounds the Elysee speech on the RN – “outside the republican arc” but invited to the Saint-Denis meetings -, it is also vain to hope for a clear line on the subject: everything is already crystal clear, promises -one in the presidential entourage. A republican is one who meets two criteria: “A procedural criterion, which allows us to have elected officials. And an ideological criterion: a fight for values.” If the RN ticks the first box, it would not tick the second, a demonstration made when Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella criticize the decision of the Constitutional Council on the Immigration text, says an advisor to the Head of State. Here is Laurent Wauquiez and other Republican executives excluded from this arc whose contours are difficult to glimpse.

But will this ban be enough to turn voters away from the Marinist party? In May 2023, Emmanuel Macron, again, scratched his Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, guilty of being wrong, against the RN “heir of Pétain”, of argument. Calling to abandon “moral postures”, the tenant of the Elysée expressed a necessity: that of “discrediting” the RN “by substance and inconsistencies”. Great project.
