When Anders Limpar cheated with the big star on the forbidden – and got the scolding of the legend of the times

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Free from football during the summer camp.
Then Anders Limpar cheated with teammate Ian Wright to jump bungee jump – and got the scolding of the times.
– It became a fucking life, he says.

Anders Limpar is one of Sweden’s foremost football players of all time. He is one of the few Swedes who has played over 150 matches in the Premier League, and won the league.

Fooled with Ian Wright

During his adventures in the British Isles, he represented both Arsenal and Everton, where he became a real icon in the former club. He played big in the 90/91 season, when they won the series, and accounted for eleven league goals during the competition year.

920815 Anders Limpar, Arsenal © Bildbyrån

It was an Arsenal team full of big stars like David Seaman, Tony Adams and Alan Smith. Before the next season, Anders Limpar also became a teammate with striker Ian Wright, and they became very good friends.

In the podcast “The Match”, Anders Limpar tells when he cheated with Ian Wright on a strictly forbidden activity during Arsenal’s summer camp in Norway in 1992.

Went on the insult of the times

The team had a completely free day, and Limpar wanted to do something completely different.

– We were a little wild and crazy. I loved that team, and above all Ian Wright is close to my heart. We decided to go away and jump bungee jump, says Limpar and continues:

– “Damn what fun”, he says. “I’ve never done that before.” So we went and looked for a place. In our naivety, we are celebrated stars, so it is clear that people see that we are going there and jump. So a lot of journalists came there.

960530 Football, Sweden, Portrait: Anders Limpar. © Bildbyrån

When the two stars then returned to the training facility, they went on the scolding of the times by coach George Graham.

– We had signed contracts where we are not allowed to do things such as ride a motorcycle. And bungee jumping was definitely one such thing. So it will be a fucking life, and I had to take the biggest blow, says Limpar and continues:

– But with good reason. I was the one who tricked Ian Wright into it.

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