When and how to plant the artichoke?

When and how to plant the artichoke

The artichoke is a perennial vegetable. Once planted, you will harvest the buds for years to come. This flower vegetable is simple to grow. In addition to being good, the artichoke is very decorative once in flower.

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As beautiful in a bed with real decorative assets as they are good in the vegetable garden with flower buds with edible leaves, artichokes are vegetables to cultivate in a corner of the vegetable garden.

When to plant artichokes?

Artichokes and more particularly eyelets (or suckers), that is to say the shoots which are found around the main foot, are taken and planted in the spring, from March to May. In regions with climate sweet in winteryou can plant them in fall, in September-October. Give it a soil rich in humus and well drained as well as exposure to sunsheltered from wind.

L’artichoke is very decorative and aesthetic at the bottom of the massif. Its blue-violet flowers produce touches of color and its very cut leaves bring graphics, in addition to occupying space because it can exceed 1.50 m in height.

How to plant artichokes?

To form beautiful flower buds with edible scales, this gourmet vegetable needs a rich soil. The season Before planting, enrich the soil with manure or mature compost. You will keep the foot for about 4 years and practice the spin by changing its place or by planting a new foot in another location in the garden. Indeed, the artichoke draws enormously from the soil and ends up exhausting it.

Here are the main steps to put the eyes in the ground:

  • with a spade, work the soil deeply in order to encrust the manure Where compost updated to previous season;
  • if your soil is heavy, plant the artichokes on mounds of soil;
  • with a shovel, dig holes the depth of the root system of the eyecups;
  • place the eyecups then fill with soil;
  • leave a space of 1 to 1.5 m between 2 feet;
  • tamp the soil well;
  • dig a basin at each foot;
  • then water copiously without wetting the foliage.

Even if all the conditions are favorable for its good development, you will not harvest artichokes the first year. Hoe the soil regularly then, each fall, add compost to feed the plant. In winter, you will have to mound the foot in order to protect it from the cold by adding a winter protectiondepending on the growing region, because the artichoke is not hardy and fears temperatures below -5°C.

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