When and how to plant gladioli?

When and how to plant gladioli

The tall stems of gladiolus, with their colorful flowers, are often grown in grandmothers’ gardens to make spectacular bouquets. Their generous flowering and their hold in a bouquet make gladioli essential in the summer garden.

You want to grow flowers at bouquets ? Choose the gladiolimagnificent flower bulbs which you can enjoy their elegant flowering from June tofall. Tall or dwarf, choose gladioli according to their final destination. White, red, pink, yellow, Salmon or violet, the colors of the flower spikes are numerous and constitute a real palette of colors.

When to plant gladioli?

Gladiolus bulbs, also called cormsare planted in the spring, from mid-March in the regions weather mild and wait for the month of May in regions with very cold climates, so that the last frosts have passed. Complete the last plantings of bulbs in June for late flowering. Count between 10 and 12 weeks between planting and the pleasure of seeing the gladioli bloom. No matter where you live, plant them in a sunny location and above all sheltered from wind.

How to plant gladiolus bulbs in the ground?

For a flowering density effect, install the bulbs in groups of 5, 10, 15 or 20, depending on the desired result. In order to enjoy gladioli flowers as long as possible, stagger planting from March to May, every 15 days. Here are the steps to successfully plant gladioli bulbs:

  • work the soil so that it is loose and drained (by adding sand if necessary) ;
  • enrich it with compost decomposed if the soil is poor;
  • with a dibble, make holes 10 to 15 cm deep;
  • place the bulb, roots down;
  • leave a distance of 20 to 25 cm between two bulbs;
  • cover lightly with soil;
  • tamp lightly;
  • bring some water.

How to plant gladioli bulbs in pots?

The pot is not the main destination for gladioli, but if you only havea balcony or terrace, you can also enjoy it. For this, favor dwarf varieties, less tall. The pot will have to be placed sheltered from the winds and the waterings will have to be more numerous. Here are some important steps to follow:

  • choose a large pot with a hole in the bottom;
  • lay out a drainage layer, such as pebbles, gravel or pebblesclay ;
  • fill it with a special horticultural soil for flowering plants;
  • make holes 15 cm deep;
  • space each hole 15 cm apart;
  • recap then tamp down and water lightly.

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