Wheat, flax, rye: three cereals to fight against the signs of aging

Wheat flax rye three cereals to fight against the signs

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    Fruits, vegetables, and other plants have established themselves in natural cosmetics because of their numerous benefits for the skin. But what about cereals? Known for their nutritional virtues, wheat, flax, and rye are also essential beauty allies. Wrinkles, fine lines, lack of firmness: these three cereals are gradually being introduced into the bathroom to overcome the signs of aging.

    Long neglected and forgotten, certain natural ingredients have resurfaced at the same time as the Covid-19 pandemic, and the desire of consumers to put an end to extended formulas. Natural beauty routines, just like grandmother’s recipes, have replaced certain chemical substances, bringing up to date products that are healthier for the skin, as well as for the environment, like coffee grounds like exfoliant, aloe vera as a moisturizer, or even carrot as a radiance booster. But natural cosmetics brands have also recently become interested in the virtues of certain cereals, the greatest allies of mature skin.

    Rye for firmness

    A cereal similar to wheat, rye is mainly known in the form of a brownish flour, but it is also now an essential ingredient in cosmetics. Many brands include it in their formulas for its firming properties, ideal for skin losing tone and firmness, but also to remedy loss of elasticity and improve healing. So many benefits that make it a cereal of the future in the beauty industry, completing the list of virtues that it can offer in terms of health.

    Linen to moisturize and soothe

    Often dehydrated, mature skin needs to be deeply nourished to reduce the risk of wrinkles, fine lines and other signs of aging appearing. This is where flax comes in, and more precisely flax vegetable oil, known for its soothing and moisturizing properties. Rich in fatty acids, cold-pressed flax seeds not only nourish the skin, they also help to soothe it and prevent future external aggressions as well as skin aging. An anti-aging ally for mature skin, but also for dry or dehydrated skin.

    Wheat, the all-purpose cereal

    In beauty, it is undoubtedly – with rice – one of the most complete cereals, targeting numerous skin problems. Also very nourishing, germ oil wheat helps prevent the signs of aging while protecting the skin from external aggressions and repairing damage caused in the past. Something that we owe mainly to its regenerating properties. But it also acts on the elasticity of the skin, providing it with a whole host of active ingredients which allow you to obtain a smooth complexion and firmed skin.
