WhatsApp will soon offer a feature highly anticipated by its users

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Increasingly responsive to the demands of its users, WhatsApp is currently working on a feature allowing them to hide their online status from everyone, or only certain people.

WhatsApp is preparing novelties to upgrade and satisfy its users. After announcing that it is working on a function to edit your messages on WhatsApp, the company is now looking into the possibility of hiding your online status with two options.

When WhatsApp listens to its users

If you use WhatsApp alongside other messaging applications, you may have noticed that the Meta group’s application is lagging behind some of its competitors such as Messenger, Snapchat, Signal or Telegram, to name a few. But it is clear that this is moving on the side of WhatsApp which will also offer to react to messages with all the emojis available.

According to wabetainfo.com, WhatsApp developers are currently working on the ability to hide your online status on the app. A feature that will concern both the iOS versions and the Android version.

So far, it’s only possible to show Seen To information to everyone, no one, all of your contacts, or selected contacts. The visibility of your online status should be added to these options by adding two possibilities: show everyone your online status or use the same settings as “Seen at”.

Source: wabetainfo

To use the example above, if you have chosen to show your “Seen at” only to your contacts and in “Who can see that I am online” you select “same setting”, only your contacts will be able to see your online status.

More changes coming to WhatsApp

We have already mentioned the emojis to react, the edition of the messages as well as the visibility of your status. But WhatsApp does not stop there and intends to continue its transformation. Last March, we mentioned the possibility for the application to offer the exchange of files up to 2 GB, against 100 MB currently.

We were also telling you about the likely launch of a paid version of WhatsApp Business that would allow business users to customize their URL and use the app on multiple devices.

Despite fierce competition, thanks to WhatsApp and Messenger, the Meta group remains the undisputed leader in online messaging worldwide. In 2021, a study by Statista claimed that 78% of French adults regularly use Facebook Messenger and 62% WhatsApp.

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