WhatsApp users beware! Don’t make these three mistakes

WhatsApp users beware Dont make these three mistakes

WhatsApp continues to be on the agenda of social media, but the occurrence of cyber threat events on the platform, which has more than 2 billion users, also worries people. Although WhatsApp takes measures to increase the security of users, fraudsters are trying to target WhatsApp users by developing different methods. For example, despite the fact that the platform under the Meta umbrella has strengthened the cyber threat walls, in recent years, many hackers have signed thousands of fraud cases against WhatsApp users. While this is worrisome, there are three mistakes you should be careful not to make on WhatsApp to keep yourself safe.


Hackers use a random new number to scam WhatsApp users and try to make the person believe they are a friend or loved one. Of course the truth is not like that. However, scammers will approach you as emotional language because they expect you to panic and make mistakes.

For example, they may pretend to be a friend or someone you know, saying that they cannot use their phone due to an emergency, that they have to write to you from someone else’s phone, and that they need urgent money. But don’t try to talk and send money without verifying that that person is someone you really know.


Let’s say you were talking to someone else on WhatsApp, and suddenly you got a message from someone you know with a link. The link aims to take you to a pretty good discount or a tempting offer. The sender is someone you know and the number is stored in your contacts. But you should know that not everything is as perfect as it seems.


Most likely, that person in your directory clicked on the link sent to him and fell into the network of scammers. With this method, which we see many examples of, the same link is automatically sent to others. You think it came from your friend, but the link is actually automatically sent by scammers. In a way, fraudsters take over the WhatsApp account of the person you know.


The best way to protect yourself from fraudulent methods on WhatsApp is to install the updates sent by WhatsApp. When WhatsApp finds a method by the scammers, it tries to fix them with updates. If you do not install these updates, the measures taken by WhatsApp against any vulnerability will not be on your phone. If you turn on automatic updates on your device, WhatsApp can be updated automatically when a new update is available, without touching your hand.
