WhatsApp rolls out new options to protect your privacy

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The messaging application has just launched new security tools to allow you to choose the contacts authorized to see your profile photo, your personal information and the time of your last connection.

WhatsApp wants to give you back control over your privacy. The instant messaging app, owned by Meta, has just rolled out several new privacy options. You can now choose who among your contacts can see your profile picture, your information sheet and the date and time of your last connection on the application. These new options, which had been beta tested with a select group for about a year, are now being rolled out to all users.

? To further protect your privacy online, we’re rolling out new options to your privacy control settings ?

Now you can select who from your contact list can see your Profile Photo, About, and Last Seen status. For more information follow this link: https://t.co/UGMCx2n70h

— WhatsApp (@WhatsApp) June 15, 2022

An option to prevent certain contacts from spying on you

Until now, the application offered only three options to limit the audience of this information: Everybody, My contacts and Nobody. From now on, a fourth option is proposed: My contacts except… “. It lets you select which contacts you don’t want to see your profile picture, contact info, and last time you were online. To customize these settings, go to the Settings of the application, then in Account, access the Privacy menu. You will then only have to review the options “Seen at”, “Profile photo”, “News”, “Groups” and “Status”.

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The rollout of these new privacy options is great news. It should allow users to regain control over their activity within the application. It must be said that until now, messaging was not really a good student in this area. Until recently, the application provided evil souls with everything they needed to spy on you without your knowledge. Aware that its application could be used by strangers to spy on you without your knowledge, Meta had already taken measures at the end of 2021. Instant messaging had indeed strengthened user privacy by now only allowing people saved in your address book or those with whom you have already discussed to know your last connection on the application.

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XDA Developers
