WhatsApp HD Video Support Now Available!

WhatsApp HD Video Support Now Available

Today’s most used messaging platform, WhatsApp, has finally announced that it will support HD videos.

Last week, WhatsApp also added long-overdue support for high-resolution images. When WhatsApp made this update, it promised to do the same for videos at a later point.

HD video support is available today, but of course it’s a phased implementation so it may take some time before you see HD video support in your account. In a short time, smartphones with all Android and iOS processors will be able to use this feature.

With this feature, you will be able to share videos from 480p to 720p. To use it, select the video or videos you want to share, tap the new HD button at the top of the screen, and then confirm whether you want to share it in Standard Quality or HD Quality in the dialog that opens. You will also be able to see information such as the video or the size of the videos that will go on the screen.

As with HD images, all images and all videos are protected by end-to-end encryption.

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