WhatsApp continues to evolve, particularly on its video functions, by improving the sound quality of audio-video calls and increasing the number of participants. A way to become more versatile and more collaborative.

WhatsApp continues to evolve particularly on its video functions by

WhatsApp continues to evolve, particularly on its video functions, by improving the sound quality of audio-video calls and increasing the number of participants. A way to become more versatile and more collaborative.

Meta continues to integrate new functions into WhatsApp, making it much more than instant messaging. After introducing a calendar button to better find old messages, discussion filters and the creation of events, Meta is tackling group calls. In a blog post, the company announces the imminent arrival of a major update aimed at improving audio and video calls. Also on the program are a new caller highlighting function, the increase in the video call participant limit to 32 people for all devices and screen sharing with audio support. This latest improvement has been available in the beta version of the mobile application since last December. It will allow you to watch a video with several people during a group WhatsApp call. An important step to make WhatsApp a more versatile platform, with tools similar to those of videoconferencing platforms, such as Zoom or Teams.

WhatsApp calls: cleaner, more convenient conversations

Until now, conversations with 32 people could only be done if all participants were using a mobile device. Video calls on Windows were limited to 16 people and those on macOS to 8. However, if we look at the competition, Apple’s FaceTime can bring together up to 32 people, while the free versions of Google Meet and Zoom goes up to 100 participants. In short, by increasing group conversations to 32 participants on all devices, WhatsApp is catching up a little.

The Speaker Spotlight feature also integrates instant messaging to highlight the person speaking. To do this, it automatically highlights the latter, which appears first on the screen. Enough to ensure better understanding during group discussions. Again, this is a function already offered by competing services.

Meta is taking advantage of this update to release a new MLow audio codec, which is supposed to improve call clarity, including in noisy environments thanks to better noise and echo reduction. “The sound is cleaner overall, even if you have poor network connectivity or are using an older device.”, assures the company. In addition, video calls with a high-performance connection will benefit from better resolution, without us knowing more.

© Meta

WhatsApp calls: towards collaborative use of the app

Adding screen sharing with audio support allows everyone in a video call to collectively listen to video and music audio when someone shares their screen. Simply put, any audio played on a device with screen sharing enabled is automatically transmitted to others. Please note, this does not work if the camera is deactivated or if it is a voice call, without video.

This feature facilitates multimedia collaboration by allowing you to collectively listen to videos and music during a video call. Also, it is not only suitable for recreational use, but also for professional use. Indeed, it opens up new possibilities for collaboration, such as the creation and appreciation of multimedia content in real time. This should delight teachers, professionals, creatives, musicians, filmmakers and designers, in addition to individuals! These different new features will be introduced “over the next few weeks.”
