Whatsapp announced new privacy updates – soon you will be able to check your messages without others knowing

Whatsapp announced new privacy updates soon you will be

Two new features will be introduced already this month.

People will soon be able to control who sees when they’re online, prevent others from taking screenshots of certain posts, and leave groups without notifying the entire channel.

Two new features of Whatsapp are rolling out to all users this month. The user can choose who sees him as active and can leave the group without notifying others.

The anti-screenshot tool, which will only be available for one-time viewing messages, is still being tested. It will be available later according to Whatsapp.

In August 2021, Whatsapp introduced the feature of sending images and videos that can only be viewed once.

We want messages to be as private as face-to-face conversations

When announcing the changes to Facebook and Instagram, the CEO Mark Zuckerberg said the company is constantly building new ways to protect messages and keep them as private as face-to-face conversations.

Whatsapp has long promoted the use of full encryption, where only the sender and recipient of a message can see its content. Also, like other private messaging platforms, Whatsapp users can send messages that disappear after a certain period of time.

Last year, however, Whatsapp was heavily criticized after updating its terms of service. At the time, many users were concerned about the section of Whatsapp’s privacy policy that detailed what information was shared with Facebook. The update prompted some people to switch to another popular messaging platform, Signal.

Security concerns are relevant, among other things, because the police in Nebraska in the United States are accusing a mother and daughter of crimes related to illegal abortion based on private messages that Facebook handed over to the police.

Whatsapp has more than two billion users worldwide. It is owned by the Facebook parent company Meta.

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