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RIDING. For these legislative elections, the entire French territory is divided into electoral constituencies to elect 577 deputies to the National Assembly. How is this breakdown done? What is your constituency? Here is all the information and the map of France of the constituencies in mainland France.

[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 08h03] It’s the big day for the candidates for the 2022 legislative elections. This Sunday, June 12, 2022 is the first round of these legislative elections, a week before the second round scheduled for Sunday, June 19. 577 deputies will be elected in the end, in as many constituencies, an important term this Sunday because of the particular electoral division for these elections.

A highlight of our democracy, the legislative elections have the particularity of combining local and national issues. National because all citizens vote, on the same days, to designate the deputies and thus elect the representatives of national sovereignty. But these elections are also local since they are all different from one constituency to another, with candidates specific to each constituency. This term designates the territory on which the vote takes place in a locality – located in France and even outside France: French citizens are integrated into such and such a constituency depending on where they reside.

France is divided into 577 such constituencies that range from the verdant landscapes of Sarthe to the bustling streets of New York, with French people living abroad also voting in 11 very large, continent-wide constituencies. They have even already voted since the elections were organized for them a week earlier. The voters of the DOM-TOMs will vote them the same weekend as in mainland France, with differences simply related to the time difference. For many voters, it can be difficult to know in which constituency they will vote this Sunday, for the legislative elections. Especially since in large cities, the population is spread over several different constituencies and sometimes, in the same street, you can vote in one constituency while your neighbor votes in another!

Map of constituencies in France

To take the measure of the great diversity of the constituencies and the particularities of the divisions, here is a map of the constituencies for the 2022 legislative elections. The names of the candidates are displayed when you point to a constituency.

What is your constituency for the 2022 legislative elections?

To find out what the district is, use the search engine below by typing the name of your municipality or the name of your department. Some departments have only one or two constituencies, others twenty.

The constituencies have also been remodeled twice by the Ministry of the Interior, in 1987 by Charles Pasqua and in 2009 by Alain Marleix. A “butchering” sometimes accompanied by the suspicion of wanting to manipulate the result of the legislative elections… And which could have caused confusion among voters. You should know that the constituencies are, for the most part, grouped by department and have a number ranging from 1 to 15 or 20 depending on the size of the latter. The inhabitants of the small town of Fay, in the Pays-de-la-Loire, will thus vote in the 4th district of Sarthe, while the inhabitants of the district of Belsunce, in Marseille, are attached to the 4th district of Bouches- of the Rhone. Similarly, while there are many constituencies in the Bouches du Rhône, the less populated Creuse department has only one for these 2022 legislative elections. A constituency must indeed represent 125,000 inhabitants.
