What’s good for stinging eyes? What causes a stinging sensation and how does it pass?

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Eye stinging or burning, which can happen to most people, is quite common. This can have many different causes, but usually it’s not serious. It will pass by itself in a few days or you can relax your eyes with simple methods at home. We have searched for natural methods that will be good for your eyes!

What are the Causes of Stinging Eyes?

Eye stinging, which occurs as a result of damage to the corneal layer in the eye as a result of various factors; It is a disorder that manifests itself with problems such as discharge, watering and itching. The causes of eye stinging can be explained as follows:

Basically, the main reason for this problem is that the eyelids are in contact with the elements coming from outside and they are face to face one-on-one.

In addition, in the Air;

  • Dust,
  • Soil,
  • Smoke,
  • pollen
  • Factors such as allergens can also be the cause of eye irritation.

In order to protect our eyes from these factors, the eyelids and tears act as a protector and try to prevent stinging. However, eye stinging occurs due to exposure to factors.

Any foreign substance that gets into the eye can also damage the cornea and cause stinging.

In addition to all these, looking at the phone or working at the computer for long hours is also one of the factors that can cause eye twitching.

Some natural treatment methods that can be applied when there is a problem of stinging eyes can prevent the discomfort. If the stinging still does not go away after trying the following methods, you should see a specialist doctor and be treated.

Ways to Prevent Blindness

We have just mentioned that foreign substances that come into contact with the eyelid from the outside and some components in the air can cause squinting. Wearing glasses outside to protect yourself from contact materials is a method of prevention. Since sunglasses are used in sunny weather, it is not a problem, but in winter, sunglasses have become usable today. If you do not prefer to use sunglasses during the winter months, you can choose glasses with transparent lenses.

Herbal Methods Good for Blindness

Cucumber is one of the best substances for eye stinging and burning. Cut 2 slices of cucumber that has cooled in the refrigerator and leave it on the eyelid for 15 minutes. This method helps your eyes relax and helps to pass the stinging.

Tea compress is one of the answers to the question of how to get rid of eye stinging.

  • Tea bags,
  • chamomile tea,
  • It can be applied in 3 ways, including brewed black tea grains.

If you are going to use brewed black tea grains, pour the tea from the teapot into a glass. When the tea becomes warm or cold, apply a compress to your eyes by dipping a cotton ball into the cup.

If you are going to use tea bags, 2 tea bags will be enough. Put the tea bags in cold water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes. After brewing, take it out of the water with cotton and squeeze the cotton. Apply this cotton pad to your eyelid for at least 15 minutes.

Chamomile tea has a soothing effect. It can be beneficial to use in case of stinging as it has the properties of eliminating moisture loss in the eyes and relieving pain.

After the brewed chamomile tea cools, you can place cotton balls in it. After absorbing the tea, you will see that the pain is relieved after waiting for 15 minutes with the cotton pads on your eyes. It is important that you apply these 3 tea options with cotton instead of applying them in the form of drops in the form of liquid.

In addition, dried chamomile is also good for stinging eyes. You can dry it yourself or you can buy it ready-made. Boil dried daisies in water. Strain after boiling water becomes lukewarm. Then wash your eyes with this water. It helps to clean the dirt in the eyes and also helps to reduce eye stinging.

Mixture of Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be a very good remedy for stinging eyes. Put a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. It is important that apple cider vinegar is natural and organic. Take it from the mixture with a cotton ball. Squeeze a little and apply a compress to your eyelid so that the water of the cotton goes away.

Castor Oil, Aloe Vera and Milk

Pour castor oil into an eye drop box that you are sure is clean and drop this drop into your eye. You can use these drops until the stinging goes away, but not too often.

The benefits of aloe vera are endless. Another benefit is in case of squinting. Put the juice from aloe vera in the refrigerator and wait for it to cool. After it cools, take this water with a clean cotton ball and apply it to your eyelid for at least 15 minutes. You’ll see it’s good!

Since milk has soothing ingredients, it helps the eye muscles to rest. With the help of a clean cotton ball, remove the milk and place it on your eyelids. After waiting for 10 minutes, your eyes will relax.

How to Treat Ingrown Eyes?

Individuals with stinging eyes experience a feeling of dryness as a result of discharge and itching. Elimination of this problem is important so that the individual can take a comfortable role in their social life again. Because this problem can cause difficulties in social life, so it can create a problem of falling behind in social life. If the stinging does not go away after you have tried the above methods, you should see an ophthalmologist without wasting time.

A specialist doctor in the field clearly determines the factor that causes squinting. It can direct you to the pharmacy by giving the most correct answer to the question of which drop is good for stinging eyes.
