What’s good for shaking? How to deal with psychological and nervous tremors at home with natural treatment?

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Many factors such as exposure to cold weather, being under stress, consuming too much caffeine, excessive fatigue, emotional tension, irregular sleep, Parkinson’s disease, psychological disorders, hormonal changes, fear and nervousness can cause tremors. Depending on this, tremor can manifest itself in the form of hand, chin, leg, body, head tremor, nervous tremor, chills, and Parkinson’s. It is a common ailment in young people as well as in the elderly. It is medically called tremor.

What Causes Shaking?

Causes of Hand Shaking

  • Emotional change due to excitement, anger, fear
  • social phobia
  • Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Insulin resistance, sudden change in blood sugar level
  • toxic goiter
  • Epilepsy and MS disease
  • prolonged starvation, malnutrition
  • stressful life

Involuntary trembling movements in the form of rhythmic contractions can be seen in the hands while resting or during movement. Since this disorder negatively affects social life, it has negative psychological consequences. In addition to being a disease that can be seen in people of all ages, it can occur as a normal reaction of the body in the elderly. The person who has this health problem should consult a doctor without neglecting it. First of all, blood and urine tests are used to examine whether the disease shows a symptom related to metabolism. Then, analyzes are made by focusing on psychological factors. In addition to the medications given by the physician, avoiding stress, consuming plenty of fluids, reducing alcohol consumption, resting, consuming various herbal teas that give calmness, and staying away from factors that disturb the anxiety state contribute to the treatment applied. In addition, C, E, B1, B12 and B6 are among the vitamins that are good for hand tremors.

Causes of Head Shaking

  • extreme stress and anxiety
  • Tiredness
  • Use of medicinal drugs that affect the nervous and muscular system
  • Anxiety

It is an involuntary shaking of the head from left to right. The underlying cause of this problem is mostly psychological factors. Head tremors, like hand tremors, cause the person to feel insecure in social life and cause problems such as extreme weakness, restlessness and insomnia. A neurologist should be consulted for treatment. As an herbal remedy for head tremors, it is recommended to brew tea with chamomile, dandelion root, mother-of-pearl, sage, passionflower, lavender buds.

Causes of Body Shaking

  • febrile diseases
  • extreme tiredness and irritability
  • Not enought feeding
  • Twitching due to muscle fatigue
  • Parkinson’s disease

It is an involuntary rhythmic contraction of body muscles. If it becomes chronic, it can be a sign of serious diseases such as Parkinson’s. Body tremor is not seen during sleep. There are three types of kinetics: resting and stance tremor. Posture tremor begins suddenly while the person is trying to maintain a certain movement state, mostly due to nervous system diseases. Tremors that begin at rest are usually indicative of Parkinson’s disease and are seen in advanced ages. It is known that Parkinson’s disease is caused by a lack of a substance called dopamine. It can also occur due to severe head trauma, long-term exposure to heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and long-term use of some nervous system drugs.

Considering the question of how body tremors other than Parkinson’s disease go away, recommendations for nutritional and drug supplements to strengthen the nervous system, nutrition with regular meals, avoiding fatigue and stress and living a quiet life come to the fore.

Causes of Chills

  • cold, flu
  • Infections arising from inflammation accumulating in the body

What’s good for shivering?

It is generally related to the decrease of body resistance in cold winter months and shows its symptoms as colds, colds and flu. Herbal teas such as linden, rosehip, sage, chamomile tea, mint lemon can be consumed to overcome the chills caused by the common cold. In cases such as tonsillitis where herbal teas cannot be effective enough, the use of antibiotics determined by the doctor will be beneficial. It is good to be protected from sudden temperature changes and not to be exposed to the cold with thin clothes.

Causes of Nervous Shaking

  • don’t get nervous, get excited
  • sudden mood swings
  • Stress, anxiety disorder, anxiety
  • Fear

Nervous tremors can be seen all over the body, but most often in the hands. When faced with an unexpected negative event, the person does not know how to react mentally and physically, and in this panic situation, tremors are seen in his hands and legs. In emotional discharge, in case of excessive excitement and anger, the adrenaline hormone begins to be secreted at a high rate, which stimulates the nervous system. As a result of these reactions, which are related to each other in a chain, tremors occur. The essence of nervous tremor lies in the inability of the person to control the reactions of his body in the face of what he is going through and experiencing involuntary contractions.

What is good for nervous tremors?

What is needed to combat nervous tremors are essentially the methods used to eliminate anxiety. Psychological calming drugs given under the control of a doctor, therapy, breathing exercises in yoga, regular sports, consumption of the right herbal tea are good for nervous tremors. The herbal teas in question are chamomile tea, which is soothing, green tea that regulates the heart rhythm, valerian used in the treatment of insomnia, passionflower herb tea.

Foods That Are Good For Shivering

1. Valerian Root (Valerian)

Valerian is among the plants that have been used in the treatment of nervous restlessness, anxiety, tension and insomnia since ancient times, helping to relax. Scientists have found that valerian contains a chemical in the human brain called GABA, which regulates nerve cells and calms anxiety. This finding reveals that valerian has the same effect as antidepressants such as Xanax and Valium. It is an important natural aid in combating anger, stress-induced nervous tremors and hand, body and head tremors by providing the relief of mental distress in a natural way. Valerian root lowers blood pressure, relaxes the mind and body.

Valerian tea can be brewed in hot or cold water. If it is wanted to be consumed hot, a teaspoon of valerian is infused in boiling water for 10 minutes and then filtered. If it is desired to be consumed cold, a teaspoon of valerian is finely chopped, left in a glass of cold water for ten hours and filtered.

2. Passionflower Herb

Scientists recommend passionflower herb like valerian root in the treatment of anxiety, nervous restlessness, and psychological disorders caused by anxiety disorders. The plant in question is also known as a natural antidepressant; It gives calmness and helps to regulate sleep. It relaxes the nervous system by wrapping the active substances in the brain called GABA, where the relaxing neurotransmitter is located. For this reason, it is used to treat hand tremor. It is recommended to consume the passionflower plant as a tea 3-4 times a day to stop hand tremors.

To brew passionflower tea, a teaspoon of dried passionflower is added to a glass of boiling water, filtered after 10 minutes.

3. Sage Leaf

Sage leaf energizes, prevents fatigue, helps to keep the memory fit and is good for Alzheimer’s disease. The most important benefits are that it cleans the blood and is calming and soothing. Thanks to the substances in it, it calms the nerves and reduces tension. In this aspect, it is seen that it is good for trembling.

To brew sage leaves, 2-10 grams of dried sage leaves are added to 1 glass of boiling water, and consumed after a 10-minute brewing period.

4. Psoriasis

Thanks to its soothing properties, it is among the plants that are good for shaking. It can be used to prevent shivering by brewing as tea.

About half a liter of boiling water added to 1 teaspoon of mother-of-pearl is brewed for 5-10 minutes, then filtered and consumed.

5. Vitamins and Minerals

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B1
  • C vitamin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin E
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium

It has been observed that hand, head and body tremors are triggered if the vitamins and minerals listed above are deficient in the body.

B group vitamins protect the central nervous system, increase red blood cells, strengthen the immune system. Since it is very necessary for a healthy nervous system, in case of deficiency, muscle weakness, loss of balance, arm, leg and hand tremors, and focusing problems may occur. To prevent shivering, yoghurt, milk, kefir, offal, red meat, shrimp, soybean, rich in omega 3, salmon fish, wheat bran, corn, potatoes can be consumed, which are rich in B vitamins.

Vitamin C increases the production of collagen, the main substance of connective tissue and bones, strengthens bone and muscle structure, helps to balance blood pressure, and gives energy. Drinking rosehip tea, consuming citrus fruits such as grapefruit and oranges, and eating green leafy vegetables such as parsley and spinach provide the body with vitamin C.

Vitamin E provides a protective shield against free radicals that cause heart diseases and cell damage, and helps red blood cell production. It is a type of vitamin that is very necessary for the nervous system, and its deficiency causes loss of reflexes, stiffness in movements, muscle weakness, hand tremors, and coordination problems. Consumption of sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, sunflower oil, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, soybean oil, asparagus, corn oil and hazelnuts, which are rich in vitamin E, are beneficial for the treatment of tremor.

In case of magnesium deficiency, low energy, fatigue, trouble falling asleep, unexplained heart palpitations can be seen. Working together with the magnesium calcium mineral, it plays a role in establishing the acid-base balance of the body. For this reason, in case of deficiency, uncontrolled muscle contractions and tremors are seen in the body. Magnesium is found in fruits such as nuts, legumes, bananas, strawberries, melons, and watermelons.

Potassium establishes the electrolyte and acid-base balance of the body and enables the muscles and nerves to perform their normal functions. By keeping blood pressure low, it eliminates the risk of high blood pressure. Bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, prunes, raisins, dried apricots, legumes, oatmeal, whole grain wheat flour, broccoli, brussels sprouts are foods rich in potassium.

Calcium regulates the nervous system, balances blood pressure, makes bones strong, transmits nerve signals, controls muscle contraction and heart rhythm. In case of deficiency, the calcium requirement of the body is met from the calcium found in bones, teeth and soft tissues. As a result, heart palpitations, weakening of the bones, sleep problems, and disturbances in the nervous system can be seen. It is also found in the blood at a rate of 1% in our body, and this amount ensures the correct contraction and relaxation of the muscles. For this reason, its deficiency causes tremors in the body as well as other health problems. Dairy products, green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium. Arugula, spinach, cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir are examples of these foods.

Herbal Recipes That Are Good For Shaking

1. Hand Shaking Mixture

Dandelion root is rich in vitamins A, D, K, zinc, iron and magnesium, as well as potassium. In this way, it helps to control the muscles.

  • 1 teaspoon dandelion root, ground
  • 2 teaspoons of sage,
  • 1 teaspoon ground red hot pepper,
  • 3 teaspoons of lavender flowers,
  • If the mixture consisting of 2 teaspoons of rosemary is consumed 3 times a day, it is good for hand tremors.

2. Herbal Tea Good for Nervous Tremors

Add 1 glass of dried chamomile, a quarter of a glass of lavender buds, a quarter of a glass of dried passionflower, an equal amount of rosehip and dried lemon balm to boiling water. After infusing for 5 minutes, it is drained and consumed.

Other Goods for Shaking

  • change your lifestyle
  • Removing sources of stress
  • To do sport
  • Reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption
  • Avoiding simple sugars and heavy diets
  • Ending nicotine addiction
  • Applying alternative medicine methods to get vitamin and mineral supplements that support the muscle and nervous system
