What’s good for a burn? Natural methods that are good for burn pain

Whats good for a burn Natural methods that are good

It shows as a slight redness on the skin. Sunburn is an example of first-degree burns. Second-degree burns, on the other hand, are mostly burns caused by contact with hot water or called steam burns. In addition to redness on the skin, water bubbles, which are called bullae, are seen. It is a type of burn that is quite painful and susceptible to inflammation. Third-degree burns are; It is a type of burn in which other layers are negatively affected starting from the top layer of the skin and it is quite harmful. It takes some time to heal. It is usually seen in people due to large fires. Fourth-degree burns are those in which organs are also damaged. The skin has lost its function and is no longer able to protect the organs.

What Is Good For A Burn?

While the methods that are good for the burn are under the spotlight, it is necessary to pay attention to the cause of the burn. The methods that are good for hot water, stove, oil or sunburn are different from each other. Therefore, it is necessary to examine them separately.

What Is Good For A Hot Water Burn?

Hot water burn, which is one of the most common types of burns at home, causes you to burn a lot. What’s good for a tea burn? Since this is the same situation with hot water burn, you can easily apply the following method. After these burns, which usually take place in the kitchen, direct contact with water is provided. However, it can cause you to burn more because it is kept in water for a short time. That’s why you should do this for at least five minutes. Because the burned area has generally already lost its moisture and is quite dry, you may need to hold it in water for a long time. Apart from this, do not directly contact your skin with ice. This is among the most common misbehaviors. Because the oxygen contained in the ice can cause it to have a burning effect. First, the ice will give you the feeling of refreshing, and then it will cause you to burn even more. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to apply the ice in the form of a compress, not directly, but in a bag.

What Is Good For Stove Burns?

Especially in the winter months, one of the most common causes of burns in hospitals is the stove. In homes where stoves are used, burns may occur in children as a result of the carelessness of parents. If you are dealing with a first or second degree burn, raw potatoes can be your savior. The soothing substances in the potato alleviate the effect of burning. It also accelerates the repair of wrinkled or reddened skin. It helps you get over the pain in a lighter way. Especially in stove burns, there are water sacs called bullae in the body. If these vesicles have not yet formed, immediately apply the potato method. In this way, you also prevent the formation of bullae.

Peel and grate one potato without boiling it. Be careful not to spill water inside. Afterwards, apply this grated potato to the burned area so that it touches the skin. Leave it like this for about fifteen minutes until the potato loses its effect.

What Is Good For Fat Burns?

One of the types of burns that usually occurs while cooking in the kitchen is oil burn. When water drips into the heated oil, it splashes around. If you do not take precautions, you may suffer from oil burns. The formation of bullae is not usually seen. However, redness occurs on the skin and then results in scarring. If you are dealing with a first or second degree oil burn, onions will help. Because onions contain quercetin and sulfur components. This component prevents the formation of bullae and helps to relieve the pain. Most importantly, it prevents scarring.

Grate one onion. While grating, be careful not to spill the juice of the onion. Because this water will be very useful. Then apply this onion grater along with its juice to the burned area. Leave it like this for at least fifteen minutes. You can feel the relief on your skin after removing the onion.

What Is Good For Sunburn?

Especially with global warming becoming unavoidable, the sun’s rays descend directly to the earth. Since this is more common in the summer months, we may encounter sunburns. If these burns are not taken care of and then exposed to the sun, serious skin damage may occur. Therefore, applying a protective cream before going out to the sun will prevent you from being directly exposed to these rays. However, if you already have sunburn and you don’t know what to do, yogurt is the most natural solution. The soothing ingredients in yogurt reduce the feeling of pain caused by the burn.

Although it seems to be a traditional method, apply yogurt, which is quite effective, to the sunburned area. Leave it like this for at least three to four minutes. It would be more beneficial to choose a fat-free yogurt. Afterwards, you can take a shower with lukewarm water. If your burning sensation does not go away, you can repeat this method several times.

What Is Good For Steam Burns?

These and similar burns, which are generally caused by ironing, cause the skin to become tight, redden and wrinkled. If you are faced with a steam burn and this burn is a second or first degree burn, there will be no trace of the burn with an oat bath at home. Oats will relieve your pain a little more and eliminate the burning sensation.

Although a very troublesome method comes to mind when it comes to oat bath, you can apply this method in a very simple way instantly. If there is a local burning, you can perform this application in a basin. Throw some ice cubes into the water. Then sprinkle a few tablespoons of oat flour. After making sure that it is completely mixed, put the burned skin in the water and stay in the water for about an hour. If your whole body has been exposed to it, fill a tub with water and get in it, it’s important that the water is cold. Then you can clean with a warm bath.

What Is Good For Burn Pain?

When the methods that are good for burn pain are investigated, it is seen that natural products are often helped. Different food sources, from corn flour to egg white, from black tea to lemon, are natural healing sources that are good for burns.

1. Egg White

Egg white for burns is a method that is not well known. However, we can say that it is the most effective method. Because the collagen contained in the egg white helps to relieve the pain in the skin and restore the skin to its original state. In fact, this substance is included in many cosmetic products. Egg white applied to the irritated area of ​​the skin also ensures that the burn does not leave any traces.

Separate two eggs from the yolk and put the white in a bowl. Then mix this egg white. Then apply it to the burned area and leave it for an hour. If the burned area is small, continue to apply this egg white at regular intervals and wash with warm water without soap. Not even a trace will be left from the burn.

2. Olive oil

Olive oil is very beneficial for the skin thanks to the fatty acids it contains. This is why olive oil is often used for burns. Especially when it is applied to the wrinkled and dehumidified area, it ensures the recovery of moisture and also prevents the burn from leaving a trace. Olive oil can even be beneficial for second-degree burns when used regularly. However, for third-degree or fourth-degree burns, it is recommended to see a doctor.

You can still use egg white to apply olive oil to the burn. Mix two egg whites with a little olive oil and whisk well. Then apply this mixture carefully to the burned area. Leave it like this for an hour. Do not take a shower immediately afterward. Because soap and similar products that you will use in the shower can irritate your skin.

3. Lemon

After making the first aid, a solution should be found for the burn mark. So how is the first aid for a burn done? The first aid varies according to the degree of the burn, but generally the first aid for second or first degree burns can be done with water. If you say that lemon is good for a burn, we can show lemon as a good solution for burn scars and pain. The beneficial vitamins in the lemon and the active ingredients with stain lightening properties help to lighten the color of the burned area and relieve the pain a little. Lemon should not be used for once, it should be applied to the burned area regularly. However, this is how you get results.

Squeeze the juice of one lemon and then apply it to the burned area with a cotton ball. You can even put a few ice cubes in the lemon juice to relieve the pain. Make sure to apply this application twice a day for a week.

4. Aloe Vera

Among the burn symptoms, the clearest is pain. Blistering is not observed in all burns, or redness may not occur in all burns. However, we usually feel pain because there is some moisture loss in the burned area. What takes away the pain of the burn? Aloe vera is a very good plant for this feeling, which causes the burn to be unbearable. The tissue healing substances in this plant help relieve pain.

Carefully cut the leaves of the aloe vera plant into strips. Then take the gel of this plant with the help of a spoon. Keep this gel in the fridge for a while. After cooling, apply aloe vera to the burned area. In a short time, you will feel the pain go away. You can use the aloe vera plant in the treatment of the remaining scar from the burn.

5. Black Tea

The tannic acid in black tea helps to remove the heat penetrating under the skin to the surface of the skin. This is a desired situation in the treatment of burns. Raising the heat on the skin helps to relieve the pain under the skin. Black tea is one of the natural remedies used in the treatment of mild burns.

Steep three tea bags for a while. Then wait for this brewed tea to cool down or put it in the refrigerator. Then, dip a piece of cotton into the brewed black tea and apply this cotton to the burned area. Make sure that the entire skin is wet. You can continue this process until the pain goes away.

6. Corn Flour

Corn contains vitamin E. It is very beneficial for the skin when consumed directly as it is used in the cosmetic field. The secret of the tension and vitality of the skin of women living in the Black Sea Region in our country is that they consume plenty of corn. One of the materials used for burns is corn flour.

Thoroughly mix the cornmeal, which you have chosen according to the size of the burn, with some water to form a dough. Keep kneading until you get a dough. And put this dough on the burn that has not formed a bulla yet. Let it sit for a while and when the dough is warm, remove it. Vitamin E in corn flour will help both heal the burn and prevent scarring on the skin.
